Skolka Marius
Skolka Marius
Professor of Invertebrate Zoology, Entomology, Evolution Science, Ovidius University
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Ecologie: metodologii pentru studii ecologice
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
Universitatea" Ovidius" Constanţa, 2001
Setting-up a billboard of marine invasive species in the ESENIAS area: current situation and future expectancies
PK Karachle, M Corsini Foka, F Crocetta, J Dulčić, N Dzhembekova, ...
Acta Adriatica 58 (3), 429-458, 2017
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species
P González-Moreno, L Lazzaro, M Vilà, C Preda, T Adriaens, S Bacher, ...
NeoBiota 44, 1-25, 2019
Alien invasive species at the Romanian Black Sea coast–present and perspectives
M Skolka, C Preda
Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle «Grigore Antipa 53, 443-467, 2010
Changements recents dans la biodiversite de la Mer Noire dus aux immigrants
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
Geo-eco-marina 1, 34-48, 1996
Range Expansion of Metcalfa pruinosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) in Southeastern Europe.
C Preda, M Skolka
Ecologia Balkanica 3 (1), 2011
Specii invazive în Marea Neagră: Impactul ecologic al pătrunderii de noi specii în ecosistemele acvatice
M Skolka, MT Gomoiu
Ovidius University Press, 2004
Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species
M Ragkousis, A Zenetos, JB Souissi, R Hoffman, R Ghanem, E Taşkın, ...
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species. NeoBiota 44: 1–25
P González-Moreno, L Lazzaro, M Vilà, C Preda, T Adriaens, S Bacher, ...
Alien invertebrates species in Romanian waters
M Skolka, MT Gomoiu
Ovidius University Annals of Natural Sciences, Biology-Ecology Series 5, 51-55, 2001
Evaluation of marine and coastal biological diversity at the Romanian littoral–a workbook for the Black Sea ecological diversity
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
Analele Universitatii ‘‘Ovidius’’Constanta. Universitatea ‘‘Ovidius …, 1998
Alien species of the Romanian and Bulgarian Black Sea coast: state of knowledge, uncertainties, and needs for future research.
RI Băncilă, M Skolka, P Ivanova, V Surugiu, K Stefanova, V Todorova, ...
Aquatic Invasions 17 (3), 2022
First record of a new alien invasive species in Constanta-Metcalfa pruinosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea)
C Preda, M Skolka
Lucrările Simpozionului Mediul şi agricultura în regiunile aride 1, 141-146, 2009
Invasive species in Black Sea. Ecological impact of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems
M Skolka, MT Gomoiu
Ovidius University Press, Constanța, 2004
Biodiversitatea Dobrogei
M Skolka, M Făgăraş, GM Paraschiv
Ovidius University Press, 2004
Early detection of potentially invasive invertebrate species in Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 dominated communities in harbours
C Preda, D Memedemin, M Skolka, D Cogălniceanu
Helgoland marine research 66, 545-556, 2012
Biodiversitatea zonei costiere a Dobrogei dintre Capul Midia şi Capul Kaliacra
M Făgăraş, M Skolka, P Anastasiu, P Cogălniceanu, G Negrean, ...
Constanţa: Edit. Ex Ponto, 2008
Cresterea biodiversitatii prin imigrare-noi specii in fauna Romaniei
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
Increase of biodiversity by immigration-new species for the Romanian fauna …, 1998
Increase of biodiversity by immigration-new species for the Romanian fauna
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
An. Univ.“Ovidius” Constanta, Seria Biologie-Ecologie 2, 181-202, 1998
Ecology. Methodologies for ecological studies
MT Gomoiu, M Skolka
Constanța, RO: Ovidius University Press Publishing House (In Romanian), 2001
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Articles 1–20