Pablo Ruiz Fabo
Pablo Ruiz Fabo
Dép. technologies linguistiques et humanités numériques, Fac. langues - Université de Strasbourg
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Enjambment Detection in a Large Diachronic Corpus of Spanish Sonnets
P Ruiz Fabo, CI Martínez Cantón, T Poibeau, E González-Blanco
LaTeCH-CLFL 2017, Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for …, 2017
Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing: “Je t’aime... Moi non plus”
B McGillivray, T Poibeau, P Ruiz Fabo
Digital Humanities Quarterly 14 (2), 2020
Combining Open Source Annotators for Entity Linking through Weighted Voting
P Ruiz, T Poibeau
Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2015), Proceedings of the Fourth …, 2015
Entities as Topic Labels: Combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA to Improve Topic Interpretability and Evaluability
A Lauscher, F Nanni, P Ruiz Fabo, SP Ponzetto
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 2016
Medieval Spanish (12th–15th centuries) named entity recognition and attribute annotation system based on contextual information
ML Díez Platas, S Ros Munoz, E González‐Blanco, P Ruiz Fabo, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72 (2 …, 2021
The Diachronic Spanish Sonnet Corpus: TEI and linked open data encoding, data distribution, and metrical findings
P Ruiz Fabo, H Bermúdez Sabel, C Martínez Cantón, E González-Blanco
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36 (Supplement_1), i68-i80, 2021
Computational Stylistics in Poetry, Prose, and Drama
AS Bories, P Plecháč, P Ruiz Fabo
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2022
More than Word Cooccurrence: Exploring Support and Opposition in International Climate Negotiations with Semantic Parsing
P Ruiz Fabo, C Plancq, T Poibeau
LREC, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2016
Long audio alignment for automatic subtitling using different phone-relatedness measures
A Álvarez, H Arzelus, P Ruiz
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International …, 2014
Lexical Normalization of Spanish Tweets with Rule-Based Components and Language Models
P Ruiz, M Cuadros, T Etchegoyhen
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2014
The diachronic Spanish sonnet corpus (DISCO): TEI and linked open data encoding, data distribution and metrical findings
P Ruiz Fabo, H Bermúdez Sabel, CI Martínez Cantón, ...
Digital Humanities 2018, 2018
Automatic enjambment detection as a new source of evidence in Spanish versification
C Martínez Cantón, P Ruiz Fabo, E González-Blanco, T Poibeau
Plotting Poetry: On Mechanically Enhanced Reading / Machiner la poésie: Sur …, 2017
Lexical Normalization of Spanish Tweets with Preprocessing Rules, Domain-specific Edit Distances, and Language Models.
P Ruiz, M Cuadros, T Etchegoyhen
Proceedings of the Tweet Normalization Workshop at SEPLN 2013. IV Congreso …, 2013
Mapping the Bentham Corpus: Concept-based Navigation
P Ruiz Fabo, T Poibeau
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 2019
Entities as topic labels: Improving topic interpretability and evaluability combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA
F Nanni, P Ruiz Fabo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07809, 2016
Generating Navigable Semantic Maps from Social Sciences Corpora
T Poibeau, P Ruiz
Digital Humanities 2015, Sydney, 2015
TEI-friendly annotation scheme for medieval named entities: a case on a Spanish medieval corpus
E Alvarez-Mellado, ML Díez-Platas, P Ruiz-Fabo, H Bermúdez, S Ros, ...
Language Resources and Evaluation 55, 525-549, 2021
Poetry and Digital Humanities making interoperability possible in a divided world of digital poetry: POSTDATA project
E Gonzalez-Blanco, S Ros, P Ruiz, ML Díez, HB Sabel, A Caminero, ...
EADH 2018: Data in Digital Humanities, 2018
Concept-based and Relation-based Corpus Navigation: Applications of Natural Language Processing in Digital Humanities
P Ruiz Fabo
École Normale Supérieure (PSL Research University), 2017
Improving a long audio aligner through phone-relatedness matrices for English, Spanish and Basque
A Álvarez, P Ruiz, H Arzeuls
TSD, 17th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 476-483, 2014
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