Counting with DNA in metabarcoding studies: How should we convert sequence reads to dietary data? BE Deagle, AC Thomas, JC McInnes, LJ Clarke, EJ Vesterinen, EL Clare, ... Molecular ecology 28 (2), 391-406, 2019 | 727 | 2019 |
Quantifying sequence proportions in a DNA‐based diet study using Ion Torrent amplicon sequencing: which counts count? BE Deagle, AC Thomas, AK Shaffer, AW Trites, SN Jarman Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (4), 620-633, 2013 | 294 | 2013 |
Quantitative DNA metabarcoding: improved estimates of species proportional biomass using correction factors derived from control material AC Thomas, BE Deagle, JP Eveson, CH Harsch, AW Trites Molecular ecology resources 16 (3), 714-726, 2016 | 264 | 2016 |
Human activity reduces niche partitioning among three widespread mesocarnivores JA Smith, AC Thomas, T Levi, Y Wang, CC Wilmers Oikos 127 (6), 890-901, 2018 | 179 | 2018 |
Competing tradeoffs between increasing marine mammal predation and fisheries harvest of Chinook salmon BE Chasco, IC Kaplan, AC Thomas, A Acevedo-Gutiérrez, DP Noren, ... Scientific Reports 7 (1), 15439, 2017 | 154 | 2017 |
Improving accuracy of DNA diet estimates using food tissue control materials and an evaluation of proxies for digestion bias AC Thomas, SN Jarman, KH Haman, AW Trites, BE Deagle Molecular ecology 23 (15), 3706-3718, 2014 | 144 | 2014 |
eDNA Sampler: A fully integrated environmental DNA sampling system AC Thomas, J Howard, PL Nguyen, TA Seimon, CS Goldberg Methods in ecology and evolution 9 (6), 1379-1385, 2018 | 132 | 2018 |
Harbour seals target juvenile salmon of conservation concern AC Thomas, BW Nelson, MM Lance, BE Deagle, AW Trites Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (6), 907-921, 2017 | 130 | 2017 |
Estimates of Chinook salmon consumption in Washington State inland waters by four marine mammal predators from 1970 to 2015 B Chasco, IC Kaplan, A Thomas, A Acevedo-Gutiérrez, D Noren, MJ Ford, ... Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (8), 1173-1194, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
A system for rapid eDNA detection of aquatic invasive species AC Thomas, S Tank, PL Nguyen, J Ponce, M Sinnesael, CS Goldberg Environmental DNA 2 (3), 261-270, 2020 | 123 | 2020 |
A self‐preserving, partially biodegradable eDNA filter AC Thomas, PL Nguyen, J Howard, CS Goldberg Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (8), 1136-1141, 2019 | 69 | 2019 |
Combining hard-part and DNA analyses of scats with biologging and stable isotopes can reveal different diet compositions and feeding strategies within a fur seal population T Jeanniard-du-Dot, AC Thomas, Y Cherel, AW Trites, C Guinet Marine Ecology Progress Series 584, 1-16, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Harbor seal foraging response to a seasonal resource pulse, spawning Pacific herring AC Thomas, MM Lance, SJ Jeffries, BG Miner, A Acevedo-Gutiérrez Marine Ecology Progress Series 441, 225-239, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Baseline health parameters and species comparisons among free-ranging Atlantic sharpnose (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae), bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), and spiny dogfish (Squalus … KH Haman, TM Norton, AC Thomas, ADM Dove, F Tseng Journal of wildlife diseases 48 (2), 295-306, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Large‐scale molecular diet analysis in a generalist marine mammal reveals male preference for prey of conservation concern D Schwarz, SM Spitzer, AC Thomas, CM Kohnert, TR Keates, ... Ecology and Evolution 8 (19), 9889-9905, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Rapid Detection and Monitoring of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in Water by Using a Handheld, Field‐Portable Quantitative PCR System PL Nguyen, PS Sudheesh, AC Thomas, M Sinnesael, K Haman, KD Cain Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 30 (4), 302-311, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
GREAT SHEARWATER(PUFFINUS GRAVIS) MORTALITY EVENTS ALONG THE EASTERN COAST OF THE UNITED STATES KH Haman, TM Norton, RA Ronconi, NM Nemeth, AC Thomas, ... Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49 (2), 235-245, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Toward a national eDNA strategy for the United States RP Kelly, DM Lodge, KN Lee, S Theroux, AJ Sepulveda, CA Scholin, ... Environmental DNA 6 (1), e432, 2024 | 33 | 2024 |
Large‐scale molecular barcoding of prey DNA reveals predictors of intrapopulation feeding diversity in a marine predator MR Voelker, D Schwarz, A Thomas, BW Nelson, A Acevedo‐Gutiérrez Ecology and Evolution 10 (18), 9867-9885, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
Harbour seals responded differently to pulses of out-migrating coho and Chinook smolts H Allegue, AC Thomas, Y Liu, AW Trites Marine Ecology Progress Series 647, 211-227, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |