Uri Hochberg
Uri Hochberg
Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences. Agricultural research organization, Israel
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Iso/anisohydry: a plant–environment interaction rather than a simple hydraulic trait
U Hochberg, FE Rockwell, NM Holbrook, H Cochard
Trends in plant science 23 (2), 112-120, 2018
The physiology of drought stress in grapevine: towards an integrative definition of drought tolerance
GA Gambetta, JC Herrera, S Dayer, Q Feng, U Hochberg, SD Castellarin
Journal of experimental botany 71 (16), 4658-4676, 2020
Stomatal closure, basal leaf embolism, and shedding protect the hydraulic integrity of grape stems
U Hochberg, CW Windt, A Ponomarenko, YJ Zhang, J Gersony, ...
Plant Physiology 174 (2), 764-775, 2017
Metabolite profiling and network analysis reveal coordinated changes in grapevine water stress response
U Hochberg, A Degu, D Toubiana, T Gendler, Z Nikoloski, ...
BMC plant biology 13, 1-16, 2013
Combining leaf physiology, hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares-regression (PLS-R) for grapevine water status assessment
T Rapaport, U Hochberg, M Shoshany, A Karnieli, S Rachmilevitch
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 109, 88-97, 2015
Metabolite and transcript profiling of berry skin during fruit development elucidates differential regulation between Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz cultivars at branching …
A Degu, U Hochberg, N Sikron, L Venturini, G Buson, R Ghan, I Plaschkes, ...
BMC plant biology 14, 1-20, 2014
Near isohydric grapevine cultivar displays higher photosynthetic efficiency and photorespiration rates under drought stress as compared with near anisohydric grapevine cultivar
U Hochberg, A Degu, A Fait, S Rachmilevitch
Physiologia Plantarum 147 (4), 443-452, 2013
An increase in xylem embolism resistance of grapevine leaves during the growing season is coordinated with stomatal regulation, turgor loss point and intervessel pit membranes
Y Sorek, S Greenstein, Y Netzer, I Shtein, S Jansen, U Hochberg
New Phytologist 229 (4), 1955-1969, 2021
Grapevine petioles are more sensitive to drought induced embolism than stems: evidence from in vivo MRI and microcomputed tomography observations of …
U Hochberg, C Albuquerque, S Rachmilevitch, H Cochard, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 39 (9), 1886-1894, 2016
Cultivar specific metabolic changes in grapevines berry skins in relation to deficit irrigation and hydraulic behavior
U Hochberg, A Degu, GR Cramer, S Rachmilevitch, A Fait
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 88, 42-52, 2015
Grapevine acclimation to water deficit: the adjustment of stomatal and hydraulic conductance differs from petiole embolism vulnerability
U Hochberg, AG Bonel, R David-Schwartz, A Degu, A Fait, H Cochard, ...
Planta 245, 1091-1104, 2017
Metabolic and Physiological Responses of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) to Near Optimal Temperatures of 25 and 35 °C
U Hochberg, A Batushansky, A Degu, S Rachmilevitch, A Fait
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 (10), 24276-24294, 2015
Leaf carbon export and nonstructural carbohydrates in relation to diurnal water dynamics in mature oak trees
JT Gersony, U Hochberg, FE Rockwell, M Park, PPG Gauthier, ...
Plant Physiology 183 (4), 1612-1621, 2020
Swift metabolite changes and leaf shedding are milestones in the acclimation process of grapevine under prolonged water stress
A Degu, U Hochberg, DCJ Wong, G Alberti, N Lazarovitch, E Peterlunger, ...
BMC plant biology 19, 1-17, 2019
Grape metabolic response to postveraison water deficit is affected by interseason weather variability
JC Herrera, U Hochberg, A Degu, P Sabbatini, N Lazarovitch, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 65 (29), 5868-5878, 2017
Stomatal responses in grapevine become increasingly more tolerant to low water potentials throughout the growing season
JC Herrera, A Calderan, GA Gambetta, E Peterlunger, A Forneck, ...
The Plant Journal 109 (4), 804-815, 2022
Five omic technologies are concordant in differentiating the biochemical characteristics of the berries of five grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars
R Ghan, SC Van Sluyter, U Hochberg, A Degu, DW Hopper, RL Tillet, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-26, 2015
The variability in the xylem architecture of grapevine petiole and its contribution to hydraulic differences
U Hochberg, A Degu, T Gendler, A Fait, S Rachmilevitch
Functional Plant Biology 42 (4), 357-365, 2014
The effect of differential growth rates across plants on spectral predictions of physiological parameters
T Rapaport, U Hochberg, S Rachmilevitch, A Karnieli
PloS one 9 (2), e88930, 2014
Short-time xylem relaxation results in reliable quantification of embolism in grapevine petioles and sheds new light on their hydraulic strategy
U Hochberg, JC Herrera, Cochard, E Hervé, Badel
Tree Physiology, 2016
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Articles 1–20