Jason W. Ridge
Jason W. Ridge
Department Chair and Professor of Strategy, University of Arkansas
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Corporate social responsibility or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance
OV Petrenko, F Aime, J Ridge, A Hill
Strategic management journal 37 (2), 262-279, 2016
The routine may be stable but the advantage is not: Competitive implications of key employee mobility
F Aime, S Johnson, JW Ridge, AD Hill
Strategic Management Journal 31 (1), 75-87, 2010
CEO regulatory foci, environmental dynamism, and small firm performance
JC Wallace, LM Little, AD Hill, JW Ridge
Journal of Small Business Management 48 (4), 580-604, 2010
When much more of a difference makes a difference: Social comparison and tournaments in the CEO's top team
JW Ridge, F Aime, MA White
Strategic Management Journal 36 (4), 618-636, 2015
Beyond lobbying expenditures: How lobbying breadth and political connectedness affect firm outcomes
JW Ridge, A Ingram, AD Hill
Academy of Management Journal 60 (3), 1138-1163, 2017
The corrective actions organizations pursue following misconduct: A review and research agenda
MC Hersel, CA Helmuth, ML Zorn, C Shropshire, JW Ridge
Academy of Management Annals 13 (2), 547-585, 2019
The influence of managerial myopia on firm strategy
J W. Ridge, D Kern, M A. White
Management Decision 52 (3), 602-623, 2014
Second‐order effects of CEO characteristics: How rivals' perceptions of CEOs as submissive and provocative precipitate competitive attacks
AD Hill, T Recendes, JW Ridge
Strategic Management Journal 40 (5), 809-835, 2019
Implications of multiple concurrent pay comparisons for top-team turnover
JW Ridge, AD Hill, F Aime
Journal of Management 43 (3), 671-690, 2017
Modesty in the top management team: Investor reaction and performance implications
JW Ridge, A Ingram
Journal of Management 43 (4), 1283-1306, 2017
Unpacking firm external dependence: How government contract dependence affects firm investments and market performance
M Abdurakhmonov, JW Ridge, AD Hill
Academy of Management Journal 64 (1), 327-350, 2021
The role of top management team attention in new product introductions
JW Ridge, S Johnson, AD Hill, J Bolton
Journal of Business Research 70, 17-24, 2017
Videometric measurement of individual characteristics in difficult to access subject pools: Demonstrating with CEOs
AD Hill, OV Petrenko, JW Ridge, F Aime
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Traditions and Innovations in Research …, 2019
What’s it like inside the hive? Managerial discretion drives TMT gender diversity of women-led firms
ES Corwin, H Loncarich, JW Ridge
Journal of Management 48 (4), 1003-1034, 2022
The performance implications of resource and pay dispersion: The case of Major League Baseball
AD Hill, F Aime, JW Ridge
Strategic Management Journal 38 (9), 1935-1947, 2017
The signaling role of politician stock ownership: Effects on lobbying intensity
JW Ridge, AD Hill, A Ingram
Journal of Management 44 (5), 2116-2141, 2018
Strategic risk and lobbying: Investigating lobbying breadth as risk management
M Abdurakhmonov, JW Ridge, AD Hill, H Loncarich
Journal of management 48 (5), 1103-1130, 2022
Market reactions to non‐market strategy: Congressional testimony as an indicator of firm political influence
JW Ridge, A Ingram, M Abdurakhmonov, D Hasija
Strategic Management Journal 40 (10), 1644-1667, 2019
Innovation and effectiveness of co-founded ventures: A process model
AD Hill, J Craig Wallace, JW Ridge, PD Johnson, JB Paul, TA Suter
Journal of Business and Psychology 29, 145-159, 2014
Inducing score reliability from previous reports: An examination of life satisfaction studies
M Vassar, JW Ridge, AD Hill
Social Indicators Research 87, 27-45, 2008
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