Teodor Leuca
Teodor Leuca
University of Oradea, Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România
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Citat de
Numerical modelling of industrial processing by electromagnetic induction of ferromagnetic parts
T Leuca, B Cranganu-Cretu, M Arion, G Tarcau
10th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in …, 2002
Numerical modelling energy optimization of the electromagnetic and thermal coupled fields in the induction heating process of the cylindrical half-finished products
T Leuca
International symposium on non-linear electromagnetic systems, Braunschweig, 1997
Câmpul electromagnetic și termic cuplat: curenți turbionari
T Leuca
Mediamira, 1996
Using Minitab-Box Benken software to optimize the induction heating process
T Leuca, M Novac, B Stanciu, A Burca, M Codrean
Journal of electrical and electronics engineering 7 (1), 73, 2014
Dual Frequency Simulation of the Electromagnetic Induction Process in Gear Wheels
T Leuca, M Arion, G Cheregi
Analele Univ din Oradea, 36-39, 2005
Optimal design for induction heating using genetic algorithms
T Leuca, Ș Nagy, ND Trip, H Silaghi, C Mich-Vancea
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.–Électrotechn. et Énerg 60 (2), 133-142, 2015
A simultaneous induction hardening method of pinions
T Leuca, G Cheregi
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.–Électrotechn. et Énerg 54 (2), 157-164, 2009
Some aspects regarding the optimization of the electromagnetic field propagation in microwave structures
L Bandici, T Leuca, PA Palade
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2 (2), 7-12, 2009
Calculul numeric al curentilor turbionari
IF Hănțilă, G Preda
Editura ICPE, 2001
About numerical computation of electromagnetic field in ferromagnetic bodies
T Leuca, M Arion, G Cheregi, I Horge
Analele Universității din Oradea, 11-14, 2007
Aspects regarding the numerical computation of the eddy current problem within the electromagnetic induction processes of thin planes
M Arion, T Leuca, FI Hathazi, VD Soproni, C Molnar, G Cheregi
Journal of electrical and electronics engineering 5 (2), 17, 2012
High frequency electromagnetic field modeling and experimental validation of the microwave drying of wheat seeds
VD Soproni, SM Vicas, T Leuca, MN Arion, FI Hathazi, CO Molnar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 41, 419-439, 2012
Optimization of eddy-current heating process using genetic algorithms
T Leuca, M Novac
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.–Électrotechn. et Énerg 54 (4), 355-363, 2009
About numerical analisys of electromagnetic field induce in gear wheels during hardening process
G Cheregi, T Leuca, M Arion
Journal of electrical and electronics engineering, University of Oradea, 22-25, 2008
The study of the drying of wood in a microwave field
T Leuca, L Bandici, C Molnar
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium–March 28-31 Pisa, Italy, 349-352, 2004
Design of experiments approach for induction heating optimization
T Leuca, ND Trip, H Silaghi, A Burca
Revue roumaine des sciences techniques, Série Électrotechnique et …, 2016
Considerations on the analysis of an induction heating system
ND Trip, A Burca, T Leuca, J Dudrik
2014 11th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications …, 2014
FEM-BEM analysis of radio frequency drying of a moving wooden piece
T Leuca, M Laza, L Bandici, G Cheregi, GM Vasilescu, OM Drosu
Rn 500 (1), 1, 2014
Elemente de teoria câmpului electromagnetic
T Leuca
Ed. Universității din Oradea–2002, 2002
Aspects regarding the propagation of the high frequency electromagnetic field in the dielectric materials
T Leuca, L Bandici, C Molnar
11th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating …, 2007
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