Joseph Irudayaraj
Joseph Irudayaraj
Founder Professor of Bioengineering, UIUC
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Characterization of irradiated starches by using FT-Raman and FTIR spectroscopy
R Kizil, J Irudayaraj, K Seetharaman
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (14), 3912-3918, 2002
Multiplex biosensor using gold nanorods
C Yu, J Irudayaraj
Analytical chemistry 79 (2), 572-579, 2007
Discriminant analysis of edible oils and fats by FTIR, FT-NIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy
H Yang, J Irudayaraj, MM Paradkar
Food Chemistry 93 (1), 25-32, 2005
Infrared heating in food processing: an overview
K Krishnamurthy, HK Khurana, J Soojin, J Irudayaraj, A Demirci
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 7 (1), 2-13, 2008
Fluorescent Ag clusters via a protein-directed approach as a Hg (II) ion sensor
C Guo, J Irudayaraj
Analytical chemistry 83 (8), 2883-2889, 2011
CRISPR-dCas9 mediated TET1 targeting for selective DNA demethylation at BRCA1 promoter
SR Choudhury, Y Cui, K Lubecka, B Stefanska, J Irudayaraj
Oncotarget 7 (29), 46545, 2016
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy applied to food safety
AP Craig, AS Franca, J Irudayaraj
Annual review of food science and technology 4 (1), 369-380, 2013
A mixed self-assembled monolayer-based surface plasmon immunosensor for detection of E. coli O157: H7
A Subramanian, J Irudayaraj, T Ryan
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 21 (7), 998-1006, 2006
Gold Nanorod/Fe3O4 Nanoparticle “Nano‐Pearl‐Necklaces” for Simultaneous Targeting, Dual‐Mode Imaging, and Photothermal Ablation of Cancer Cells
C Wang, J Chen, T Talavage, J Irudayaraj
Angewandte Chemie 121 (15), 2797-2801, 2009
Examination of cholesterol oxidase attachment to magnetic nanoparticles
GK Kouassi, J Irudayaraj, G McCarty
Journal of Nanobiotechnology 3, 1-9, 2005
Gold nanorod probes for the detection of multiple pathogens
C Wang, J Irudayaraj
Birck and NCN Publications, 397, 2008
Nanoscale drug delivery systems: from medicine to agriculture
P Vega-Vásquez, NS Mosier, J Irudayaraj
Frontiers in Bioengineering and biotechnology 8, 79, 2020
Nuclear Targeting Dynamics of Gold Nanoclusters for Enhanced Therapy of HER2+ Breast Cancer
Y Wang, J Chen, J Irudayaraj
ACS nano 5 (12), 9718-9725, 2011
Direct detection of E. coli O157: H7 in selected food systems by a surface plasmon resonance biosensor
J Waswa, J Irudayaraj, C DebRoy
LWT-Food Science and Technology 40 (2), 187-192, 2007
Comparison of near-infrared, Fourier transform-infrared, and Fourier transform-Raman methods for determining olive pomace oil adulteration in extra virgin olive oil
H Yang, J Irudayaraj
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 78, 889-895, 2001
Epitaxial superlattices with titanium nitride as a plasmonic component for optical hyperbolic metamaterials
GV Naik, B Saha, J Liu, SM Saber, EA Stach, JMK Irudayaraj, TD Sands, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (21), 7546-7551, 2014
Magnetic and gold-coated magnetic nanoparticles as a DNA sensor
GK Kouassi, J Irudayaraj
Analytical Chemistry 78 (10), 3234-3241, 2006
Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus in Milk Using Flow‐Through Pulsed UV‐Light Treatment System
K Krishnamurthy, A Demirci, JM Irudayaraj
Journal of food Science 72 (7), M233-M239, 2007
Microscopic and Spectroscopic Evaluation of Inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus by Pulsed UV Light and Infrared Heating
K Krishnamurthy, JC Tewari, J Irudayaraj, A Demirci
Food and Bioprocess Technology 3, 93-104, 2010
Current technologies of electrochemical immunosensors: Perspective on signal amplification
IH Cho, J Lee, J Kim, M Kang, JK Paik, S Ku, HM Cho, J Irudayaraj, ...
Sensors 18 (1), 207, 2018
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