Hesham El-Sayed
Hesham El-Sayed
Professor of Computer Engineering, UAE University
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Edge Of Things: The Big Picture On The Integration Of Edge, IoT and The Cloud In A Distributed Computing Environment
H El-Sayed, S Sankar, M Prasad, D Puthal, A Gupta, M Mohanty, CT Lin
IEEE Access 6, 1706-1717, 2017
An overview of sensors in Autonomous Vehicles
H Ignatious, H El- Sayed, M Khan
Procedia Computer Science 198, 736-741, 2022
IoT-based Wireless Polysomnography Intelligent System for Sleep Monitoring
CTL Lin, M Prasad, CH Chung, D Puthal, H El-Sayed, S Sankar, ...
IEEE Access, 2017
Level-5 Autonomous Driving—Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature
MA Khan, H El Sayed, S Malik, T Zia, J Khan, N Alkaabi, H Ignatious
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (2), 1-38, 2022
Collaborative Autonomous Driving—A Survey of Solution Approaches and Future Challenges
S Malik, MA Khan, H El-Sayed
Sensors 21 (11), 3783., 2021
A novel cluster-based protocol for topology discovery in vehicular ad hoc network
L Zhang, H El-Sayed
Procedia Computer Science 10, 525-534, 2012
Quality of service models for heterogeneous networks: overview and challenges
H El-Sayed, A Mellouk, L George, S Zeadally
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 63, 639-668, 2008
Mobility analysis in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET)
L Zhang, A Lakas, H El-Sayed, E Barka
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 36 (3), 1050-1056, 2013
A fault tolerance management framework for wireless sensor networks
I Saleh, H El-Sayed, M Eltoweissy
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information …, 2006
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Early Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus in Women
S Malik, S Harous, H El-Sayed
International Symposium on Modelling and Implementation of Complex Systems …, 2020
Machine learning based trust management framework for vehicular networks
H El-Sayed, HA Ignatious, P Kulkarni, S Bouktif
Vehicular Communications 25, 100256, 2020
A traffic-aware approach for enabling unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in smart city scenarios
H El-Sayed, M Chaqfa, S Zeadally, D Puthal
Ieee Access 7, 86297-86305, 2019
A novel covert channel based on the IP header record route option
Z Trabelsi, H El-Sayed, L Frikha, T Rabie
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 1 (4), 328-350, 2007
Game-based learning platform to enhance cybersecurity education
MA Khan, A Merabet, S Alkaabi, HE Sayed
Education and Information Technologies, 1-25, 2022
Deep reinforcement learning for traffic signal control with consistent state and reward design approach
S Bouktif, A Cheniki, A Ouni, H El-Sayed
Knowledge-Based Systems 267, 110440, 2023
Exploiting mobile edge computing for enhancing vehicular applications in smart cities
H El-Sayed, M Chaqfeh
Sensors 19 (5), 1073, 2019
Congestion detection and propagation in urban areas using histogram models
H El-Sayed, G Thandavarayan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (5), 3672-3682, 2018
Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments
M Chaqfeh, H El-Sayed, A Lakas
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (4), 1226-1236, 2019
Carla: Car learning to act—an inside out
S Malik, MA Khan, H El-Sayed
Procedia Computer Science 198, 742-749, 2022
Measured Throughput and SNR of IEEE 802.11 g in a Small Enterprise Environment
M Boulmalf, H El-Sayed, A Soufyane
IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2005), May 30 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20