Radosław Nielek
Radosław Nielek
Director @ NASK National Research Institute
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Cited by
Influence of consumer reviews on online purchasing decisions in older and younger adults
B Von Helversen, K Abramczuk, W Kopeć, R Nielek
Decision Support Systems 113, 1-10, 2018
Understanding and predicting web content credibility using the content credibility corpus
M Kakol, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki
Information Processing & Management 53 (5), 1043-1061, 2017
Identifying breakthrough scientific papers
P Savov, A Jatowt, R Nielek
Information Processing & Management 57 (2), 102168, 2020
The harm in conflating aging with accessibility
B Knowles, VL Hanson, Y Rogers, AM Piper, J Waycott, N Davies, ...
Communications of the ACM 64 (7), 66-71, 2021
A content-based recommendation system using neuro-fuzzy approach
T Rutkowski, J Romanowski, P Woldan, P Staszewski, R Nielek, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2018
Guidelines towards better participation of older adults in software development processes using a new SPIRAL method and participatory approach
W Kopeć, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki
Proceedings of the 11th International workshop on cooperative and human …, 2018
Older adults and hackathons: a qualitative study
W Kopeć, B Balcerzak, R Nielek, G Kowalik, A Wierzbicki, F Casati
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Livinglab pjait: Towards better urban participation of seniors
W Kopeć, K Skorupska, A Jaskulska, K Abramczuk, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 1085-1092, 2017
Predicting webpage credibility using linguistic features
A Wawer, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on world wide web, 1135-1140, 2014
A location-based game for two generations: Teaching mobile technology to the elderly with the support of young volunteers
W Kopeć, K Abramczuk, B Balcerzak, M JuĽwin, K Gniadzik, G Kowalik, ...
eHealth 360°: International Summit on eHealth, Budapest, Hungary, June 14-16 …, 2017
Multilevel modeling of distributed denial of service attacks in wireless sensor networks
K Mazur, B Ksiezopolski, R Nielek
Journal of Sensors 2016 (1), 5017248, 2016
Technologies for promoting social participation in later life
M Baez, R Nielek, F Casati, A Wierzbicki
Ageing and digital technology: Designing and evaluating emerging …, 2019
Learning about the quality of teamwork from wikiteams
P Turek, A Wierzbicki, R Nielek, A Hupa, A Datta
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 17-24, 2010
Older adults and crowdsourcing: Android tv app for evaluating tedx subtitle quality
K Skorupska, M Núñez, W Kopec, R Nielek
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-23, 2018
Towards a highly effective and robust web credibility evaluation system
X Liu, R Nielek, P Adamska, A Wierzbicki, K Aberer
Decision Support Systems 79, 99-108, 2015
Learning about team collaboration from Wikipedia edit history
A Wierzbicki, P Turek, R Nielek
Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Wikis and open …, 2010
On explainable fuzzy recommenders and their performance evaluation
T Rutkowski, K Łapa, R Nielek
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 29 (3 …, 2019
Computing controversy: Formal model and algorithms for detecting controversy on Wikipedia and in search queries
K Zielinski, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki, A Jatowt
Information Processing & Management 54 (1), 14-36, 2018
Wikiteams: How do they achieve success?
P Turek, A Wierzbicki, R Nielek, A Datta
IEEE Potentials 30 (5), 15-20, 2011
Emotions make cities live: towards mapping emotions of older adults on urban space
R Nielek, M Ciastek, W Kopeć
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 1076-1079, 2017
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Articles 1–20