Alan Schmitt
Alan Schmitt
Inria, IRISA
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Cited by
Combinators for bidirectional tree transformations: A linguistic approach to the view-update problem
JN Foster, MB Greenwald, JT Moore, BC Pierce, A Schmitt
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 29 (3), 17-es, 2007
Boomerang: resourceful lenses for string data
A Bohannon, JN Foster, BC Pierce, A Pilkiewicz, A Schmitt
Proceedings of the 35th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 2008
A trusted mechanised JavaScript specification
M Bodin, A Charguéraud, D Filaretti, P Gardner, S Maffeis, ...
Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of …, 2014
Efficient static analysis of XML paths and types
P Geneves, N Layaïda, A Schmitt
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2007
The kell calculus: A family of higher-order distributed process calculi
A Schmitt, JB Stefani
Global Computing: IST/FET International Workshop, GC 2004 Rovereto, Italy …, 2005
The M-calculus: A higher-order distributed process calculus
A Schmitt, JB Stefani
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 38 (1), 50-61, 2003
Controlling reversibility in higher-order pi
I Lanese, CA Mezzina, A Schmitt, JB Stefani
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 297-311, 2011
JoCaml: A language for concurrent distributed and mobile programming
C Fournet, F Le Fessant, L Maranget, A Schmitt
International School on Advanced Functional Programming, 129-158, 2002
On the expressiveness and decidability of higher-order process calculi
I Lanese, JA Pérez, D Sangiorgi, A Schmitt
Information and Computation 209 (2), 198-226, 2011
An asynchronous, distributed implementation of mobile ambients
C Fournet, JJ Lévy, A Schmitt
IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 348-364, 2000
Concurrent flexible reversibility
I Lanese, M Lienhardt, CA Mezzina, A Schmitt, JB Stefani
European Symposium on Programming, 370-390, 2013
Skeletal semantics and their interpretations
M Bodin, P Gardner, T Jensen, A Schmitt
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (POPL), 1-31, 2019
Exploiting schemas in data synchronization
JN Foster, MB Greenwald, C Kirkegaard, BC Pierce, A Schmitt
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 73 (4), 669-689, 2007
A language for bi-directional tree transformations
MB Greenwald, JT Moore, BC Pierce, A Schmitt
Pat 333, 4444, 2003
The Xtatic experience
V Gapeyev, MY Levin, BC Pierce, A Schmitt
Workshop on Programming language Technologies for XML (PLAN-X), 2005
On the expressiveness of polyadic and synchronous communication in higher-order process calculi
I Lanese, JA Pérez, D Sangiorgi, A Schmitt
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 442-453, 2010
Bringing Harmony to optimism: A synchronization framework for heterogeneous tree-structured data
BC Pierce, A Schmitt, MB Greenwald
Technical Report MS-CIS-03-42, University of Pennsylvania, 2003
JSExplain: A double debugger for JavaScript
A Charguéraud, A Schmitt, T Wood
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 691-699, 2018
Query reasoning on trees with types, interleaving, and counting
E Bárcenas, P Geneves, N Layaïda, A Schmitt
IJCAI Proceedings-International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2011
Lenses and view update translation
BC Pierce, A Schmitt
Manuscript, 2003
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Articles 1–20