Antonio Parodi
Antonio Parodi
Research/Program Director at CIMA research Foundation
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Analysis and hindcast simulations of an extreme rainfall event in the Mediterranean area: The Genoa 2011 case
E Fiori, A Comellas, L Molini, N Rebora, F Siccardi, DJ Gochis, S Tanelli, ...
Atmospheric Research 138, 13-29, 2014
Extreme rainfall in the Mediterranean: What can we learn from observations?
N Rebora, L Molini, E Casella, A Comellas, E Fiori, F Pignone, F Siccardi, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (3), 906-922, 2013
A hydrological analysis of the 4 November 2011 event in Genoa
F Silvestro, S Gabellani, F Giannoni, A Parodi, N Rebora, R Rudari, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (9), 2743-2752, 2012
Clustering of plumes in turbulent convection
A Parodi, J von Hardenberg, G Passoni, A Provenzale, EA Spiegel
Physical review letters 92 (19), 194503, 2004
Sensitivity of precipitation statistics to resolution, microphysics and convective parameterization: a case study with the high-resolution WRF climate model over Europe
A Pieri, J von Hardenberg, A Parodi, A Provenzale
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2015
Large-scale patterns in Rayleigh–Bénard convection
J Von Hardenberg, A Parodi, G Passoni, A Provenzale, EA Spiegel
Physics Letters A 372 (13), 2223-2229, 2008
A theory for buoyancy and velocity scales in deep moist convection
A Parodi, K Emanuel
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 66 (11), 3449-3463, 2009
Classifying severe rainfall events over Italy by hydrometeorological and dynamical criteria
L Molini, A Parodi, N Rebora, GC Craig
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 137 (654), 148-154, 2011
Identification and ranking of extraordinary rainfall events over Northwest Italy: The role of Atlantic moisture
JG Pinto, S Ulbrich, A Parodi, R Rudari, G Boni, U Ulbrich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (5), 2085-2097, 2013
Turbulence closure parameterization and grid spacing effects in simulated supercell storms
E Fiori, A Parodi, F Siccardi
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (12), 3870-3890, 2010
Lightning Potential Index Performances in multi-microphysical cloud-resolving simulations of a back-building mesoscale convective system: the Genoa 2014 event
EF Lagasio, M., A. Parodi, R. Procopio, F. Rachidi
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos, 2017
Impact-based flash-flood forecasting system: Sensitivity to high resolution numerical weather prediction systems and soil moisture
L Silvestro, F., Rossi, L., Campo, L., Parodi, A., Fiori, E., Rudari, R ...
Journal of Hydrology, 2019
Hydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM project
A Hally, O Caumont, L Garrote, E Richard, A Weerts, F Delogu, E Fiori, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (3), 537-555, 2015
Extreme rainfall events: learning from raingauge time series
G Boni, A Parodi, R Rudari
Journal of Hydrology 327 (3), 304-314, 2006
Role of SST patterns on surface wind modulation of a heavy midlatitude precipitation event
A Meroni, A Parodi, C Pasquero
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 2018
Triggering and evolution of a deep convective system in the Mediterranean Sea: modelling and observations at a very fine scale
E Fiori, L Ferraris, L Molini, F Siccardi, D Kranzlmueller, A Parodi
Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 2016
A synergistic use of a high-resolution numerical weather prediction model and high-resolution earth observation products to improve precipitation forecast
M Lagasio, A Parodi, L Pulvirenti, AN Meroni, G Boni, N Pierdicca, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (20), 2387, 2019
Predictive capability of a high-resolution hydrometeorological forecasting framework coupling WRF cycling 3dvar and Continuum
M Lagasio, F Silvestro, L Campo, A and Parodi
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2019
Influence of turbulence parameterizations on high‐resolution numerical modeling of tropical convection observed during the TC4 field campaign
A Parodi, S Tanelli
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D10), 2010
The “perfect storm”: From across the Atlantic to the hills of Genoa
DK A. Parodi, G. Boni, L. Ferraris, F. Siccardi, P
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 93 (24), 225-226, 2012
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