Karen Shafer-Peltier
Karen Shafer-Peltier
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Prospects for in vivo Raman spectroscopy
EB Hanlon, R Manoharan, TW Koo, KE Shafer, JT Motz, M Fitzmaurice, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 45 (2), R1, 2000
Toward a glucose biosensor based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering
KE Shafer-Peltier, CL Haynes, MR Glucksberg, RP Van Duyne
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (2), 588-593, 2003
Diagnosing breast cancer by using Raman spectroscopy
AS Haka, KE Shafer-Peltier, M Fitzmaurice, J Crowe, RR Dasari, MS Feld
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35), 12371-12376, 2005
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in single living cells using gold nanoparticles
K Kneipp, AS Haka, H Kneipp, K Badizadegan, N Yoshizawa, C Boone, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 56 (2), 150-154, 2002
Identifying microcalcifications in benign and malignant breast lesions by probing differences in their chemical composition using Raman spectroscopy
AS Haka, KE Shafer-Peltier, M Fitzmaurice, J Crowe, RR Dasari, MS Feld
Cancer research 62 (18), 5375-5380, 2002
Raman microspectroscopic model of human breast tissue: implications for breast cancer diagnosis in vivo
KE Shafer‐Peltier, AS Haka, M Fitzmaurice, J Crowe, J Myles, RR Dasari, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 33 (7), 552-563, 2002
Surface-enhanced and normal Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes
K Kneipp, H Kneipp, P Corio, SDM Brown, K Shafer, J Motz, LT Perelman, ...
Physical review letters 84 (15), 3470, 2000
Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence photon migration for breast cancer diagnosis and imaging
R Manoharan, K Shafer, L Perelman, J Wu, K Chen, G Deinum, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 67 (1), 15-22, 1998
Surface-enhanced raman nanobiosensor
R Van Duyne, M Glucksberg, K Shafer-Peltier, C Haynes, J Walsh
US Patent App. 10/652,280, 2004
Model‐based biological Raman spectral imaging
KE Shafer‐Peltier, AS Haka, JT Motz, M Fitzmaurice, RR Dasari, MS Feld
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 87 (S39), 125-137, 2002
Boron removal by electrocoagulation: Removal mechanism, adsorption models and factors influencing removal
M Chen, O Dollar, K Shafer-Peltier, S Randtke, S Waseem, E Peltier
Water research 170, 115362, 2020
Competitive association of cations with poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)(PSS) and heavy metal removal from water by PSS-assisted ultrafiltration
M Chen, K Shafer-Peltier, SJ Randtke, E Peltier
Chemical Engineering Journal 344, 155-164, 2018
Development of highly stable lamella using polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles: An environmentally friendly scCO2 foam injection method for CO2 utilization using EOR
N Nazari, H Hosseini, JS Tsau, K Shafer-Peltier, C Marshall, Q Ye, ...
Fuel 261, 116360, 2020
Modeling arsenic (V) removal from water by micellar enhanced ultrafiltration in the presence of competing anions
M Chen, K Shafer-Peltier, SJ Randtke, E Peltier
Chemosphere 213, 285-294, 2018
Polarization effects in surface-enhanced resonant Raman scattering of single-wall carbon nanotubes on colloidal silver clusters
K Kneipp, A Jorio, H Kneipp, SDM Brown, K Shafer, J Motz, R Saito, ...
Physical Review B 63 (8), 081401, 2001
Complexation and precipitation of scale-forming cations in oilfield produced water with polyelectrolytes
M Chen, K Shafer-Peltier, M Veisi, S Randtke, E Peltier
Separation and Purification Technology 222, 1-10, 2019
Experimental and Mechanistic Study of Stabilized Dry CO2 Foam Using Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles Compatible with Produced Water To Improve …
H Hosseini, JS Tsau, K Shafer-Peltier, C Marshall, Q Ye, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (22), 9431-9449, 2019
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Diffusion-Based Huff-n-Puff Gas Injection into Lower Eagle Ford Shale Samples
Q Fu*, S Cudjoe, R Barati, JS Tsau, X Li, K Peltier, D Mohrbacher, ...
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22-24 July …, 2019
Controlled release of poly (vinyl sulfonate) scale inhibitor to extend reservoir treatment lifetime
M Veisi, S Johnson, K Shafer‐Peltier, JT Liang, C Berkland, M Chen, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (12), 47225, 2019
Investigating the role of diffusion in hydrocarbon gas huff-n-puff injection-an Eagle Ford study
Q Fu, S Cudjoe, RB Ghahfarokhi, JS Tsau, X Li, K Peltier, D Mohrbacher, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 198, 108146, 2021
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