Software maintenance: concepts and practice P Grubb, AA Takang World Scientific, 2003 | 375 | 2003 |
Electronic health record standards D Kalra Yearbook of medical informatics 15 (01), 136-144, 2006 | 324 | 2006 |
E-health care information systems: an introduction for students and professionals J Tan Jossey-Bass, 2005 | 254 | 2005 |
The effects of comments and identifier names on program comprehensibility: an experimental investigation AA Takang, PA Grubb, RD Macredie J. Prog. Lang. 4 (3), 143-167, 1996 | 224 | 1996 |
Software maintenance: concepts and practice AA Takang, PA Grubb London: International Thomson Computer Press,, 1996 | 99 | 1996 |
Health informatics education for clinicians and managers—what’s holding up progress? J Murphy, K Stramer, S Clamp, P Grubb, J Gosland, S Davis International journal of medical informatics 73 (2), 205-213, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
The School of Health Information Science at the University of Victoria: towards an integrative model for health informatics education and research A Kushniruk, F Lau, E Borycki, D Protti Yearbook of medical informatics 15 (01), 159-165, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
The GEHR final architecture description D Lloyd, D Kalra, T Beale, A Maskens, R Dixon, J Ellis, D Camplin, ... The Good European Health Record Project: Deliverable 19, 1995 | 9 | 1995 |
Consolidated List of Requirements. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 1.4. European Commission DGXIII, Brussels; May 2001. 59pp R Dixon, PA Grubb, D Lloyd, D Kalra | 9 | |
Consolidated List of Requirements. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 1.4 R Dixon, PA Grubb, D Lloyd, D Kalra European Commission DGXIII, Brussels, May 59, 2001 | 8 | 2001 |
Consolidated list of requirements R Dixon, P Grubb, D Lloyd, D Kalra UCL (University College London), 2001 | 8 | 2001 |
The GEHR Requirements for Communication Capacity D Ingram, D Lloyd, O Baille, P Grubb European Commission, Brussels, 1992 | 8 | 1992 |
Software Maintenance: Concepts and Practice Authored by Penny Grubb and Armstrong A. Takang World Scientific, New Jersey. CopyrightŠ 2003; 349 pages ISBN 981‐238‐426‐X … CB Seaman Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 20 (6 …, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
软件维护: 概念与实践 P Grubb, AA Tankang 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
Health Informatics Education for Healthcare Professionals J Murphy, K Stramer, S Clamp, S Davis, P Grubb, J Gosland RHIED/Department of Health, London, 2002 | 7 | 2002 |
Black Sea tele-diab: development and implementation of an electronic patient record for patients with diabetes ND Harris, A Raptis, S Raptis, RM Dixon, PA Grubb, C Ionescu-Tirgoviste, ... Health Informatics Journal 7 (2), 108-111, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
The GEHR Requirements for Portability D Ingram, B Hap, D Lloyd, P Grubb European Commission, Brussels, 1992 | 7 | 1992 |
EHCR Support Action Deliverable 2.4" Guidelines on Interpretation and implementation of CEN EHCRA". Oct 2000 R Dixon, P Grubb, D Lloyd | 6 | |
The GEHR Final Architecture Description. European Commission, Brussels; 1995; The Good European Health Record Project: Deliverable 19. 11 chapters; 250 pages D Lloyd, D Kalra, T Beale, A Maskens, R Dixon, J Ellis, D Camplin, ... | 5 | |
Software maintenance: Concepts and practice CB Seaman Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 13 (2 …, 2001 | 2 | 2001 |