Wonpil Yu
Wonpil Yu
Principal Researcher, ETRI, Korea
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Cited by
Performance evaluation of RANSAC family
S Choi, T Kim, W Yu
Journal of Computer Vision 24 (3), 271-300, 1997
Environmental-adaptive RSSI-based indoor localization
HS Ahn, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (4), 626-633, 2009
How safe are service robots in urban environments? Bullying a robot
P Salvini, G Ciaravella, W Yu, G Ferri, A Manzi, B Mazzolai, C Laschi, ...
19th international symposium in robot and human interactive communication, 1-7, 2010
Practical anti-vignetting methods for digital cameras
W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 50 (4), 975-983, 2004
Vignetting distortion correction method for high quality digital imaging
W Yu, Y Chung, J Soh
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Visual tracking by partition-based histogram backprojection and maximum support criteria
JY Lee, W Yu
2011 IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics, 2860-2865, 2011
Localization system and method of mobile robot based on camera and landmarks
H Chae, WP Yu, JY Lee, YJ Cho
US Patent 7,634,336, 2009
3D environment reconstruction using modified color ICP algorithm by fusion of a camera and a 3D laser range finder
JH Joung, KH An, JW Kang, MJ Chung, W Yu
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
An embedded camera lens distortion correction method for mobile computing applications
W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 49 (4), 894-901, 2003
Safety and efficacy of dual‐wavelength laser (1064+ 595 nm) for treatment of non‐treated port‐wine stains
T Wang, D Chen, J Yang, G Ma, W Yu, X Lin
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 32 (2), 260-264, 2018
Method for human activity prediction from streaming videos
MS Ryoo, JY Lee, YU Wonpil
US Patent App. 13/654,077, 2013
Robust video stabilization to outlier motion using adaptive RANSAC
S Choi, T Kim, W Yu
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
Design and implementation of a ubiquitous robotic space
W Yu, JY Lee, YG Ha, M Jang, JC Sohn, YM Kwon, HS Ahn
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (4), 633-640, 2009
Character recognition system for cellular phone with camera
KS Bae, KK Kim, YG Chung, WP Yu
29th Annual international computer software and applications conference …, 2005
Any-angle path planning on non-uniform costmaps
S Choi, W Yu
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5615-5621, 2011
RFID-enabled target tracking and following with a mobile robot using direction finding antennas
M Kim, NY Chong, HS Ahn, W Yu
2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2007
Robust ground plane detection from 3D point clouds
S Choi, J Park, J Byun, W Yu
2014 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2014
Resolving scale ambiguity for monocular visual odometry
S Choi, J Park, W Yu
2013 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2013
Fast any-angle path planning on grid maps with non-collision pruning
S Choi, JY Lee, W Yu
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 1051-1056, 2010
What does ground tell us? monocular visual odometry under planar motion constraint
S Choi, JH Joung, W Yu, JI Cho
2011 11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 1480-1485, 2011
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Articles 1–20