Marcello Mezaroba
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Cited by
A simplified control technique for a dual unified power quality conditioner
RJM dos Santos, JC da Cunha, M Mezaroba
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (11), 5851-5860, 2014
A ZVS PWM half-bridge voltage source inverter with active clamping
M Mezaroba, DC Martins, I Barbi
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 54 (5), 2665-2672, 2007
A ZVS PWM inverter with active voltage clamping using the reverse recovery energy of the diodes
M Mezaroba, DC Martins, I Barbi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 52 (10), 2219-2226, 2005
Energy storage system control algorithm for voltage regulation with active and reactive power injection in low-voltage distribution network
FJ Zimann, AL Batschauer, M Mezaroba, FAS Neves
Electric Power Systems Research 174, 105825, 2019
Step-up/step-down DC–DC ZVS PWM converter with active clamping
PSG Giacomini, JS Scholtz, M Mezaroba
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (10), 3635-3643, 2008
Modeling and digital control of a single-stage step-up/down isolated PFC rectifier
J Duarte, LR Lima, L Oliveira, M Mezaroba, L Michels, C Rech
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 9 (2), 1017-1028, 2012
A dual unified power quality conditioner using a simplified control technique
RJM dos Santos, M Mezaroba, JC da Cunha
XI Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 486-493, 2011
Regenerative undeland snubber using a ZVS PWM DC–DC auxiliary converter applied to three-phase voltage-fed inverters
JD Sperb, IX Zanatta, L Michels, C Rech, M Mezaroba
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (8), 3298-3307, 2010
A ZVS PWM three-phase inverter with active clamping technique using the reverse recovery energy of the diodes
M Mezaroba, DC Martins, I Barbi
2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Transformerless double-conversion UPS using a regenerative snubber circuit
MR Reinert, C Rech, M Mezaroba, L Michels
2009 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 564-570, 2009
A detailed power flow analysis of the dual unified power quality conditioner (iUPQC) using power angle control (PAC)
SM Fagundes, FL Cardoso, EV Stangler, FAS Neves, M Mezaroba
Electric Power Systems Research 192, 106933, 2021
A ZVS PWM full-bridge inverter with active clamping technique using the reverse recovery energy of the diodes
M Mezaroba, DC Martins, I Barbi
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Single-stage high power factor step-up/step-down isolated AC/DC converter
J Duarte, LR Lima, L Oliveira, L Michels, C Rech, M Mezaroba
IET Power Electronics 5 (8), 1351-1358, 2012
A control strategy for a series APF with critical-load-bus voltage feedback that avoids injection transformer saturation
G da Silva Fischer, A Mengatto, LG Kremer, M Mezaroba
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (3), 2290-2299, 2018
Asymmetric bipolar plasma power supply to increase the secondary electrons emission in capacitive coupling plasmas
JS Scholtz, LC Fontana, M Mezaroba
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (8), 2999-3007, 2018
ANPC inverter with integrated secondary bidirectional DC port for ESS connection
SA Teston, M Mezaroba, C Rech
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (6), 7358-7367, 2019
Reactive power flow control of a dual unified power quality conditioner
SM Fagundes, M Mezaroba
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Emulation of nonlinear loads with energy regeneration
RL Klein, AF de Paiva, M Mezaroba
XI Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 884-890, 2011
Controle Digital Simplificado para um Condicionador Unificado de Qualidade de Energia
J Dias, TDC Busarello, L Michels, C Rech, M Mezaroba
Eletrônica de Potência 16 (3), 212-221, 2011
A Control Strategy to Smooth Power ripple of a single-stage bidirectional and isolated AC-DC converter for Electric Vehicles Chargers
LA Ramos, RF Van Kan, M Mezaroba, AL Batschauer
Electronics 11 (4), 650, 2022
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Articles 1–20