Sanda Micula
Sanda Micula
Professor of Mathematics, PhD. Habil., Babeș-Bolyai University
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Handbook of splines
G Micula, S Micula
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A novel technique to control the accuracy of a nonlinear fractional order model of COVID-19: application of the CESTAC method and the CADNA library
S Noeiaghdam, S Micula, JJ Nieto
Mathematics 9 (12), 1321, 2021
An iterative numerical method for fractional integral equations of the second kind
S Micula
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 339, 124-133, 2018
An iterative numerical method for Fredholm-Volterra integral equations of the second kind
S Micula
Applied Mathematics and Computation 270, 935-942, 2015
A numerical method for weakly singular nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind
S Micula
Symmetry 12 (11), 1862, 2020
On some iterative numerical methods for mixed Volterra–Fredholm integral equations
S Micula
Symmetry 11 (10), 1200, 2019
Numerical solution of two-dimensional Fredholm–Volterra integral equations of the second kind
S Micula
Symmetry 13 (8), 1326, 2021
On some iterative numerical methods for a Volterra functional integral equation of the second kind
S Micula
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 19 (3), 1815-1824, 2017
A spline collocation method for Fredholm–Hammerstein integral equations of the second kind in two variables
S Micula
Applied Mathematics and Computation 265, 352-357, 2015
Dynamical Strategy to Control the Accuracy of the Nonlinear Bio-mathematical Model of Malaria Infection
S Noeiaghdam, S Micula
Mathematics 9 (9), 1031, 2021
On a numerical method based on wavelets for Fredholm‐Hammerstein integral equations of the second kind
S Micula, C Cattani
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (18), 9103-9115, 2018
A fast converging iterative method for Volterra integral equations of the second kind with delayed arguments
S Micula
Fixed Point Theory 16 (2), 371-380, 2015
A novel algorithm to solve nonlinear fractional quadratic integral equations
Y Talaei, S Micula, H Hosseinzadeh, S Noeiaghdam
AIMS Math 7 (7), 13237-13257, 2022
Fast and accurate numerical algorithm with performance assessment for nonlinear functional Volterra equations
C Nwaigwe, S Micula
Fractal and Fractional 7 (4), 333, 2023
Ulam–Hyers Stability via Fixed Point Results for Special Contractions in b-Metric Spaces
MF Bota, S Micula
Symmetry 14 (11), 2461, 2022
Numerical methods for the radiosity equation and related problems
S Micula
PhD Thesis, University of Iowa, 1997
Application of Transcendental Bernstein Polynomials for Solving Two‐Dimensional Fractional Optimal Control Problems
F Ghomanjani, S Noeiaghdam, S Micula
Complexity 2022 (1), 4303775, 2022
A novel method for solving second kind Volterra integral equations with discontinuous kernel
S Noeiaghdam, S Micula
Mathematics 9 (17), 2172, 2021
Is there a correlation between the CEAP score and the histopathological findings in varicose disease?
A Mironiuc, L Palcău, L Rogojan, S Micula, C Gherman
Rom J Morphol Embryol 52 (1), 117-121, 2011
Adipocytokines and their relationship with symptomatic atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease
C Gherman, A Mironiuc, L Palcau, A Cristea, A Muresan, A Filip, S Clichici, ...
Revista Romānă de Medicină de Laborator Vol 18 (1/4), 2010
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Articles 1–20