Katia Sycara
Cited by
Cited by
A roadmap of agent research and development
NR Jennings, K Sycara, M Wooldridge
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 1, 7-38, 1998
Semantic matching of web services capabilities
M Paolucci, T Kawamura, TR Payne, K Sycara
The Semantic Web—ISWC 2002: First International Semantic Web Conference …, 2002
OWL-S: Semantic markup for web services
D Martin, M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D McDermott, S McIlraith, ...
W3C member submission 22 (4), 2004
Multiagent systems
KP Sycara
AI magazine 19 (2), 79-79, 1998
Bringing semantics to web services: The OWL-S approach
D Martin, M Paolucci, S McIlraith, M Burstein, D McDermott, ...
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International …, 2005
DAML-S: Web service description for the semantic web
A Ankolekar, M Burstein, JR Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, D McDermott, ...
The Semantic Web—ISWC 2002: First International Semantic Web Conference …, 2002
Distributed intelligent agents
K Sycara, A Pannu, M Willamson, D Zeng, K Decker
IEEE expert 11 (6), 36-46, 1996
WebMate: A personal agent for browsing and searching
L Chen, K Sycara
Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents, 132-139, 1998
Automated discovery, interaction and composition of semantic web services
K Sycara, M Paolucci, A Ankolekar, N Srinivasan
Journal of Web semantics 1 (1), 27-46, 2003
Reaching agreements through argumentation: a logical model and implementation
S Kraus, K Sycara, A Evenchik
Artificial Intelligence 104 (1-2), 1-69, 1998
Middle-agents for the internet
K Decker, K Sycara, M Williamson
IJCAI (1), 578-583, 1997
Automated semantic web service discovery with OWLS-MX
M Klusch, B Fries, K Sycara
Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2006
Bringing semantics to web services with OWL-S
D Martin, M Burstein, D McDermott, S McIlraith, M Paolucci, K Sycara, ...
World Wide Web 10, 243-277, 2007
Larks: Dynamic matchmaking among heterogeneous software agents in cyberspace
K Sycara, S Widoff, M Klusch, J Lu
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 5, 173-203, 2002
Bayesian learning in negotiation
D Zeng, K Sycara
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 48 (1), 125-141, 1998
Importing the semantic web in UDDI
M Paolucci, T Kawamura, TR Payne, K Sycara
Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web: CAiSE 2002 International …, 2002
Dynamic service matchmaking among agents in open information environments
K Sycara, M Klusch, S Widoff, J Lu
ACM Sigmod Record 28 (1), 47-53, 1999
DAML-S: A semantic markup language for web services
A Ankolenkar, M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, S McIlraith, ...
The retsina mas infrastructure
K Sycara, M Paolucci, M Van Velsen, J Giampapa
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 7, 29-48, 2003
Human interaction with robot swarms: A survey
A Kolling, P Walker, N Chakraborty, K Sycara, M Lewis
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 46 (1), 9-26, 2015
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Articles 1–20