Barbara Catania
Barbara Catania
Professor of Computer Science, University of Genoa, Italy
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GEO-RBAC: a spatially aware RBAC
ML Damiani, E Bertino, B Catania, P Perlasca
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 10 (1), 2-es, 2007
A logical framework for reasoning about access control models
E Bertino, B Catania, E Ferrari, P Perlasca
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 6 (1), 71-127, 2003
Indexing techniques for advanced database systems
E Bertino, BC Ooi, R Sacks-Davis, KL Tan, J Zobel, B Shidlovsky, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 1997
Intelligent database systems
B Catania, GP Zarri
Addison-Wesley, 2000
Integrating XML and databases
E Bertino, B Catania
IEEE Internet Computing 5 (4), 84-88, 2001
XML data stores: emerging practices
A Vakali, B Catania, A Maddalena
IEEE Internet Computing 9 (2), 62-69, 2005
A formal model of views for object‐oriented database systems
G Guerrini, E Bertino, B Catania, J Garcia‐Molina
Theory and Practice of Object Systems 3 (3), 157-183, 1997
Towards a logical model for patterns
S Rizzi, E Bertino, B Catania, M Golfarelli, M Halkidi, M Terrovitis, ...
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2003: 22nd International Conference on Conceptual …, 2003
XML document indexes: a classification
B Catania, A Maddalena, A Vakali
IEEE internet computing 9 (5), 64-71, 2005
Manipulating spatial data in constraint databases
A Belussi, E Bertino, B Catania
Advances in Spatial Databases: 5th International Symposium, SSD'97 Berlin …, 1997
A system to specify and manage multipolicy access control models
E Bertino, B Catania, E Ferrari, P Perlasca
Proceedings Third International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems …, 2002
An extended algebra for constraint databases
A Belussi, E Bertino, B Catania
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 10 (5), 686-705, 1998
Modeling and language support for the management of pattern-bases
M Terrovitis, P Vassiliadis, S Skiadopoulos, E Bertino, B Catania, ...
Data & Knowledge Engineering 62 (2), 368-397, 2007
An authorization model for geographical maps
A Belussi, E Bertino, B Catania, ML Damiani, A Nucita
Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic …, 2004
A nested transaction model for multilevel secure database management systems
E Bertino, B Catania, E Ferrari
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 4 (4), 321-370, 2001
Lazy XML updates: laziness as a virtue, of update and structural join efficiency
B Catania, BC Ooi, W Wang, X Wang
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
A framework for data mining pattern management
B Catania, A Maddalena, M Mazza, E Bertino, S Rizzi
Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2004: 8th European Conference on …, 2004
Securing your data in agent-based P2P systems
X Pang, B Catania, KL Tan
Eighth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced …, 2003
Psycho: A prototype system for pattern management
B Catania, A Maddalena, M Mazza
VLDB, 1346-1349, 2005
Active-U-Datalog: Integrating active rules in a logical update language
E Bertino, B Catania, V Gervasi, A Raffaetà
Transactions and Change in Logic Databases: International Seminar on Logic …, 1998
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