Octavian D. PAVEL
Octavian D. PAVEL
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Selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural over non-precious metal heterogeneous catalysts
F Neațu, RS Marin, M Florea, N Petrea, OD Pavel, VI Pārvulescu
Applied catalysis b: environmental 180, 751-757, 2016
Rare-earth elements modified hydrotalcites and corresponding mesoporous mixed oxides as basic solid catalysts
R Bīrjega, OD Pavel, G Costentin, M Che, E Angelescu
Applied Catalysis A: General 288 (1-2), 185-193, 2005
Acido-basic and catalytic properties of transition-metal containing Mg–Al hydrotalcites and their corresponding mixed oxides
OD Pavel, D Tichit, IC Marcu
Applied Clay Science 61, 52-58, 2012
The impact of the “memory effect” on the catalytic activity of Mg/Al; Mg, Zn/Al; Mg/Al, Ga hydrotalcite-like compounds used as catalysts for cycloxene epoxidation
E Angelescu, OD Pavel, R Bīrjega, M Florea, R Zăvoianu
Applied Catalysis A: General 341 (1-2), 50-57, 2008
Hydrotalcite like compounds with low Mo-loading active catalysts for selective oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide
R Zǎvoianu, R Bīrjega, OD Pavel, A Cruceanu, M Alifanti
Applied Catalysis A: General 286 (2), 211-220, 2005
Cyanoethylation of ethanol on Mg–Al hydrotalcites promoted by Y3+ and La3+
E Angelescu, OD Pavel, M Che, R Bıˆrjega, G Constentin
Catalysis Communications 5 (10), 647-651, 2004
The activity of Mg/Al reconstructed hydrotalcites by “memory effect” in the cyanoethylation reaction
OD Pavel, R Bīrjega, M Che, G Costentin, E Angelescu, S Şerban
Catalysis Communications 9 (10), 1974-1978, 2008
Solid base catalysts obtained from hydrotalcite precursors, for Knoevenagel synthesis of cinamic acid and coumarin derivatives
E Angelescu, OD Pavel, R Birjega, R Zăvoianu, G Costentin, M Che
Applied Catalysis A: General 308, 13-18, 2006
Epoxidation of Cyclohexene With H2O2 and Acetonitrile Catalyzed by Mg–Al Hydrotalcite and Cobalt Modified Hydrotalcites
R Ionescu, OD Pavel, R Bīrjega, R Zăvoianu, E Angelescu
Catalysis letters 134, 309-317, 2010
Highlights on the catalytic properties of polyoxometalate-intercalated layered double hydroxides: A review
AE Stamate, OD Pavel, R Zavoianu, IC Marcu
Catalysts 10 (1), 57, 2020
The activity of yttrium-modified Mg, Al hydrotalcites in the epoxidation of styrene with hydrogen peroxide
OD Pavel, B Cojocaru, E Angelescu, VI Pārvulescu
Applied Catalysis A: General 403 (1-2), 83-90, 2011
Graphene oxide as a metal-free catalyst for oxidation of primary amines to nitriles by hypochlorite
A Primo, M Puche, OD Pavel, B Cojocaru, A Tirsoaga, V Parvulescu, ...
Chemical Communications 52 (9), 1839-1842, 2016
Epoxidation of cyclohexene with O2 and isobutyraldehyde catalysed by cobalt modified hydrotalcites
E Angelescu, R Ionescu, OD Pavel, R Zăvoianu, R Bīrjega, CR Luculescu, ...
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 315 (2), 178-186, 2010
Mg–Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and their derived mixed oxides grown by laser techniques
A Matei, R Birjega, A Nedelcea, A Vlad, D Colceag, MD Ionita, ...
Applied surface science 257 (12), 5308-5311, 2011
Memory effect of hydrotalcites and its impact on cyanoethylation reaction
F Teodorescu, AM Pălăduţă, OD Pavel
Materials Research Bulletin 48 (6), 2055-2059, 2013
The effect of ageing step elimination on the memory effect presented by Mg0. 75Al0. 25 hydrotalcites (HT) and their catalytic activity for cyanoethylation reaction
OD Pavel, R Zăvoianu, R Bīrjega, E Angelescu
Catalysis Communications 12 (10), 845-850, 2011
Molybdena–vanadia supported on alumina: Effective catalysts for the esterification reaction of acetic acid with n-butanol
G Mitran, OD Pavel, IC Marcu
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 370, 104-110, 2013
Novel ruthenium-terpyridyl complex for direct oxidation of amines to nitriles
VIP L. Cristian, S. Nica, O.D. Pavel
The International Symposium of the Romanian Catalysis Society, ROMCAT2013 …, 2013
Novel ruthenium-terpyridyl complex for direct oxidation of amines to nitriles
VIP L. Cristian, S. Nica, O.D. Pavel, C. Mihailciuc, A.C. Razus, C. Hardacre ...
A XXXII-a Conferință Națională de Chimie, Călimănești - Căciulata, 3 - 5 …, 2012
New multicomponent catalysts for the selective aerobic oxidative condensation of benzylamine to N-benzylidenebenzylamine
CM Opriş, OD Pavel, A Moragues, J El Haskourib, D Beltrįn, P Amorós, ...
Catalysis Science & Technology 4 (12), 4340-4355, 2014
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Articles 1–20