Paul Nuyujukian
Cited by
Cited by
Neural population dynamics during reaching
MM Churchland, JP Cunningham, MT Kaufman, JD Foster, P Nuyujukian, ...
Nature 487 (7405), 51-56, 2012
A high-performance neural prosthesis enabled by control algorithm design
V Gilja, P Nuyujukian, CA Chestek, JP Cunningham, BM Yu, JM Fan, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (12), 1752-1757, 2012
High performance communication by people with paralysis using an intracortical brain-computer interface
C Pandarinath, P Nuyujukian, CH Blabe, BL Sorice, J Saab, FR Willett, ...
elife 6, e18554, 2017
Long-term stability of neural prosthetic control signals from silicon cortical arrays in rhesus macaque motor cortex
CA Chestek, V Gilja, P Nuyujukian, JD Foster, JM Fan, MT Kaufman, ...
Journal of neural engineering 8 (4), 045005, 2011
Clinical translation of a high-performance neural prosthesis
V Gilja, C Pandarinath, CH Blabe, P Nuyujukian, JD Simeral, AA Sarma, ...
Nature medicine 21 (10), 1142-1145, 2015
Wireless neural recording with single low-power integrated circuit
RR Harrison, RJ Kier, CA Chestek, V Gilja, P Nuyujukian, S Ryu, B Greger, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 17 (4 …, 2009
HermesE: A 96-Channel Full Data Rate Direct Neural Interface in 0.13m CMOS
H Gao, RM Walker, P Nuyujukian, KAA Makinwa, KV Shenoy, B Murmann, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47 (4), 1043-1055, 2012
A recurrent neural network for closed-loop intracortical brain–machine interface decoders
D Sussillo, P Nuyujukian, JM Fan, JC Kao, SD Stavisky, S Ryu, K Shenoy
Journal of neural engineering 9 (2), 026027, 2012
Deep posteromedial cortical rhythm in dissociation
S Vesuna, IV Kauvar, E Richman, F Gore, T Oskotsky, C Sava-Segal, ...
Nature 586 (7827), 87-94, 2020
Single-trial dynamics of motor cortex and their applications to brain-machine interfaces
JC Kao, P Nuyujukian, SI Ryu, MM Churchland, JP Cunningham, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7759, 2015
A closed-loop human simulator for investigating the role of feedback control in brain-machine interfaces
JP Cunningham, P Nuyujukian, V Gilja, CA Chestek, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (4), 1932-1949, 2011
HermesC: low-power wireless neural recording system for freely moving primates
CA Chestek, V Gilja, P Nuyujukian, RJ Kier, F Solzbacher, SI Ryu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 17 (4 …, 2009
Cortical control of a tablet computer by people with paralysis
P Nuyujukian, JA Sanabria, J Saab, C Pandarinath, B Jarosiewicz, ...
PloS one 13 (11), e0204566, 2018
A high performing brain–machine interface driven by low-frequency local field potentials alone and together with spikes
SD Stavisky, JC Kao, P Nuyujukian, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Journal of neural engineering 12 (3), 036009, 2015
Neural population dynamics underlying motor learning transfer
S Vyas, N Even-Chen, SD Stavisky, SI Ryu, P Nuyujukian, KV Shenoy
Neuron 97 (5), 1177-1186. e3, 2018
Comparison of spike sorting and thresholding of voltage waveforms for intracortical brain–machine interface performance
BP Christie, DM Tat, ZT Irwin, V Gilja, P Nuyujukian, JD Foster, SI Ryu, ...
Journal of neural engineering 12 (1), 016009, 2014
Information systems opportunities in brain–machine interface decoders
JC Kao, SD Stavisky, D Sussillo, P Nuyujukian, KV Shenoy
Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (5), 666-682, 2014
Decoding and perturbing decision states in real time
D Peixoto, JR Verhein, R Kiani, JC Kao, P Nuyujukian, ...
Nature 591 (7851), 604-609, 2021
CMOS source-coupled logic for mixed-mode VLSI
S Kiaei, SH Chee, D Allstot
IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, 1608-1611, 1990
Neural population dynamics in human motor cortex during movements in people with ALS
C Pandarinath, V Gilja, CH Blabe, P Nuyujukian, AA Sarma, BL Sorice, ...
Elife 4, e07436, 2015
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Articles 1–20