Sireteanu Tudor
Sireteanu Tudor
Institute of Solid Mechanics
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Semi-active suspension control: improved vehicle ride and road friendliness
E Guglielmino, T Sireteanu, CW Stammers, G Ghita, M Giuclea
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Vibration control of machines by use of semi-active dry friction damping
CW Stammers, T Sireteanu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 209 (4), 671-684, 1998
Identification of an extended Bouc–Wen model with application to seismic protection through hysteretic devices
T Sireteanu, M Giuclea, AM Mitu
Computational Mechanics 45, 431-441, 2010
Hysteretic damping modelling by nonlinear Kelvin-Voigt model
D Bratosin, T Sireteanu
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy–Series A: Mathematics, Physics …, 2002
Model parameter identification for vehicle vibration control with magnetorheological dampers using computational intelligence methods
M Giuclea, T Sireteanu, D Stancioiu, CW Stammers
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2004
Modeling of magneto rheological damper dynamic behavior by genetic algorithms based inverse method
M Giuclea, T Sireteanu, D Stancioiu, CW Stammers
The Romanian Academy 5 (1), 000-000, 2004
From robust control to antiwindup compensation of electrohydraulic servo actuators
I Ursu, G Tecuceanu, F Ursu, T Sireteanu, M Vladimirescu
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 70 (4), 259-264, 1998
An analytical approach for approximation of experimental hysteretic loops by Bouc-Wen model
T Sireteanu, M Giuclea, AM Mitu
Proceedings of Romanian Academy, Series A 10 (1), 43-54, 2009
Control of vibration of transmission lines
M Migdalovici, T Sireteanu, EM Videa
International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration 15 (2), 65, 2010
Real time control method and device for robots in virtual projection, patent EPO-09464001, 18.05. 2009, EP2105263
L Vladareanu, LM Velea, RI Munteanu, A Curaj, S Cononovici, ...
Patent OSIM 123527 (30.04), 2013
Subharmonic generation in piezoelectrics with Cantor-like structure
C Chiroiu, PP Delsanto, M Scalerandi, V Chiroiu, T Sireteanu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (11), 1579, 2001
Artificial intelligence based synthesis of semiactive suspension systems
I Ursu, F Ursu, T Sireteanu, CW Stammers
Shock and Vibration Digest 32 (1), 3-10, 2000
A comparative study of the dynamic behavior of Ramberg–Osgood and Bouc–Wen hysteresis models with application to seismic protection devices
T Sireteanu, AM Mitu, M Giuclea, O Solomon
Engineering Structures 76, 255-269, 2014
Control of building seismic response by means of three semi-active friction dampers
CW Stammers, T Sireteanu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 237 (5), 745-759, 2000
Use of magnetorheological fluid dampers in semi-active driver seat vibration control
T Sireteanu, D Stancioiu, CW Stammers
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 2002 (7), 1055 …, 2002
Vibratiile aleatoare ale automobilelor
T Sireteanu, O Gundisch, S Paraian
Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1981
Modelling of magnetorheological fluid dampers
CW Stammers, T Sireteanu, D Stancioiu
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, 105-113, 2001
Damping optimization of passive and semi-active vehicle suspension by numerical simulation
T Sireteanu, N Stoia
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy 4 (2), 121-127, 2003
On the response of small buildings to vibrations
L Munteanu, V Chiroiu, T Sireteanu
Nonlinear Dynamics 73, 1527-1543, 2013
Transverse vibrations analysis of a beam with degrading hysteretic behavior by using Euler-Bernoulli beam model
G Groza, AM Mitu, N Pop, T Sireteanu
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii" Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică …, 2018
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Articles 1–20