Xin Liang
Xin Liang
U. of Minnesota Duluth
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Cited by
CEO commitment to the status quo: Replication and extension using content analysis
PL McClelland, X Liang, VL Barker III
Journal of Management 36 (5), 1251-1277, 2010
Strategic flexibility, innovative HR practices, and firm performance: A moderated mediation model
L Xiu, X Liang, Z Chen, W Xu
Personnel Review 46 (7), 1335-1357, 2017
How does TMT attention to innovation of Chinese firms influence firm innovation activities? A study on the moderating role of corporate governance
S Chen, M Bu, S Wu, X Liang
Journal of Business Research 68 (5), 1127-1135, 2015
Personality, perceptions and retrenchment decisions of managers in response to decline: Evidence from a decision-making study
M Musteen, X Liang, VL Barker III
The Leadership Quarterly 22 (5), 926-941, 2011
Strategic orientation and the choice of foreign market entry mode: an empirical examination
X Liang, M Musteen, DK Datta
MIR: management international review, 269-290, 2009
Top management team trust, behavioral integration and the performance of international joint ventures
L Wai On, X Liang, R Priem, M Shaffer
Journal of Asia Business Studies 7 (2), 99-122, 2013
Top management team communication networks, environmental uncertainty, and organizational performance: A contingency view
X Liang, HA Ndofor, RL Priem, JC Picken
Journal of Managerial issues, 436-455, 2010
Fending knights or masked kings: Toward a theoretical framework of interim CEO succession
X Liang, Y Liu, S Wu, S Zhang
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 12 (3 …, 2012
Strategic orientation and the choice of foreign market entry mode: An empirical examination
DK Datta, X Liang, M Musteen
Management International Review 49, 269-290, 2009
Competing value framework-based culture transformation
L Gong, S Jiang, X Liang
Journal of Business Research 145, 853-863, 2022
Chief executive cognition, turnaround strategy and turnaround attempts of declining firms
X Liang, VL Barker, DJ Schepker
Journal of Change Management 18 (4), 304-326, 2018
How did a local guerrilla turn into a global gorilla? Learning how transformational change happened under dynamic capabilities from the rise of Huawei
X Liang, L Xiu, W Fang, S Wu
Journal of Organizational Change Management 33 (2), 401-414, 2020
Relational demography, communication and cognitive differences among top managers
X Liang, J Picken
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (7), 689-714, 2011
From Friendship to Family: Jiangyiqi and Strong Interpersonal Relationship Development in Chinese Organizations
X Liang, S Wu, S Zhang
Management and Organization Review 14 (2), 275-303, 2018
Legitimized identity vs identifiable legitimacy: Toward a theoretical framework of the relationship between organizational identity and organizational legitimacy
L Xiu, F Lu, X Liang
Nankai Business Review International 11 (1), 102-120, 2020
In search of sustainable legitimacy of private firms in China
X Liang, L Xiu, S Wu, S Zhang
Chinese Management Studies 11 (3), 555-578, 2017
An examination of the relationship between corruption and total entrepreneurial activity
S Wu, X Liang
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 8 …, 2012
CEO cognitive competencies in managing turnaround: Complexity and focus
X Liang
Australian Journal of Management 49 (4), 636-656, 2024
Does internationalisation give firms a second life? Evidence from turnaround attempts of declining firms during performance decline
X Liang, R Zhou, J Yan, S Wu
European Journal of International Management 20 (2), 216-237, 2023
Executive cognition and firm innovation activities: The moderating role of corporate governance
S Chen, M Bu, X Liang, S Wu
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 13203, 2012
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