De Luycker Emmanuel
De Luycker Emmanuel
Laboratoire Genie de Production, UTTOP, Tarbes, Université de Toulouse, France
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uttop.fr
Citat de
Citat de
Characterization of mechanical behavior of woven fabrics: Experimental methods and benchmark results
J Cao, R Akkerman, P Boisse, J Chen, HS Cheng, EF De Graaf, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (6), 1037-1053, 2008
X‐FEM in isogeometric analysis for linear fracture mechanics
E De Luycker, DJ Benson, T Belytschko, Y Bazilevs, MC Hsu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 87 (6), 541-565, 2011
A generalized finite element formulation for arbitrary basis functions: from isogeometric analysis to XFEM
DJ Benson, Y Bazilevs, E De Luycker, MC Hsu, M Scott, TJR Hughes, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 83 (6), 765-785, 2010
Full-field strain measurements in textile deformability studies
SV Lomov, P Boisse, E Deluycker, F Morestin, K Vanclooster, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (8), 1232-1244, 2008
Simulation of 3D interlock composite preforming
E De Luycker, F Morestin, P Boisse, D Marsal
Composite Structures 88 (4), 615-623, 2009
Bias-extension of woven composite fabrics
W Lee, J Padvoiskis, J Cao, E de Luycker, P Boisse, F Morestin, J Chen, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 1, 895-898, 2008
Experimental investigation of impact behavior of wood-based sandwich structures
J Susainathan, F Eyma, E De Luycker, A Cantarel, B Castanie
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 109, 10-19, 2018
Manufacturing and quasi-static bending behavior of wood-based sandwich structures
J Susainathan, F Eyma, E De Luycker, A Cantarel, B Castanie
Composite Structures 182, 487-504, 2017
Experimental investigation of compression and compression after impact of wood-based sandwich structures
J Susainathan, F Eyma, E De Luycker, A Cantarel, C Bouvet, B Castanié
Composite Structures 220, 236-249, 2019
Investigation of the potential of hemp fibre straws harvested using a combine machine for the production of technical load-bearing textiles
M Grégoire, B Barthod-Malat, L Labonne, P Evon, E De Luycker, ...
Industrial crops and products 145, 111988, 2020
Exploring the dew retting feasibility of hemp in very contrasting European environments: Influence on the tensile mechanical properties of fibres and composites
S Réquilé, B Mazian, M Grégoire, S Musio, M Gautreau, L Nuez, A Day, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 164, 113337, 2021
Comparing flax and hemp fibres yield and mechanical properties after scutching/hackling processing
M Grégoire, M Bar, E De Luycker, S Musio, S Amaducci, X Gabrion, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 172, 114045, 2021
Numerical modeling of impact on wood-based sandwich structures
J Susainathan, F Eyma, E De Luycker, A Cantarel, B Castanié
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 27 (18), 1583-1598, 2020
Influence of consolidation process on voids and mechanical properties of powdered and commingled carbon/PPS laminates
J Patou, R Bonnaire, E De Luycker, G Bernhart
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 117, 260-275, 2019
Test methods for measuring pure mode III delamination toughness of composite
Y Ge, X Gong, A Hurez, E De Luycker
Polymer Testing 55, 261-268, 2016
Simulation et expérimentation en mise en forme de renforts composites 3D interlocks
E De Luycker
Elucidating the formation of structural defects in flax fibres through synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast microtomography
A Bourmaud, L Pinsard, E Guillou, E De Luycker, M Fazzini, J Perrin, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 184, 115048, 2022
Study of solutions to optimize the extraction of hemp fibers for composite materials
M Gregoire, E De Luycker, M Bar, S Musio, S Amaducci, P Ouagne
SN Applied Sciences 1, 1-6, 2019
Influence of industrial processing parameters on the effective properties of long aligned European hemp fibres in composite materials
X Gabrion, G Koolen, M Grégoire, S Musio, M Bar, D Botturi, G Rondi, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 157, 106915, 2022
Experimental and numerical analyses of 3D interlock composite preforming
E De Luycker, JG Orliac, F Morestin, P Boisse, D Marsal, S Otin
International Journal of Material Forming 3, 719-722, 2010
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