Oreste Pollicino
Oreste Pollicino
Full Professor of Constitutional Law, Bocconi University
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Citat de
Citat de
Legal reasoning of the court of justice in the context of the principle of equality between judicial activism and self-restraint
O Pollicino
German Law Journal 5 (3), 283-317, 2004
The interaction between Europe's legal systems: judicial dialogue and the creation of supranational laws
G Martinico, O Pollicino
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
European arrest warrant and constitutional principles of the Member States: a case law-based outline in the attempt to strike the right balance between interacting legal systems
O Pollicino
German Law Journal 9 (10), 1313-1355, 2008
Intelligenza artificiale, protezione dei dati personali e regolazione
G D'Acquisto, M Naldi, R Bifulco, O Pollicino, B Marco
G Giappichelli Editore, 2018
Judicial protection of fundamental rights on the internet: a road towards digital constitutionalism?
O Pollicino
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021
Constitutional challenges in the algorithmic society
HW Micklitz, O Pollicino, A Reichman, A Simoncini, G Sartor, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
The new relationship between National and the European courts after the enlargement of Europe: towards a unitary theory of jurisprudential supranational law?
O Pollicino
Yearbook of European Law 29 (1), 65-111, 2010
The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU laws: a comparative constitutional perspective
G Martinico, O Pollicino
Europa Law Publishing, 2010
Parole e potere: Libertà d'espressione, hate speech e fake news
G Pitruzzella, O Pollicino, S Quintarelli
EGEA spa, 2017
Disinformation and hate speech: A European constitutional perspective
G Pitruzzella, O Pollicino
Egea, 2020
The Dialectics Between Constitutional Identity and Common Constitutional Traditions: Which Language for Cooperative Constitutionalism in Europe?
M Fichera, O Pollicino
German Law Journal 20 (8), 1097-1118, 2019
Allargamento dell'Europa a Est e rapporto tra corti costituzionali e corti europee: verso una teoria generale dell'impatto interordinamentale del diritto sovranazionale?
O Pollicino
Giuffrè Editore, 2010
Right to Internet Access: Quid Iuris?
O Pollicino
The Cambridge Handbook on New Human Rights. Recognition, Novelty, Rhetoric …, 2019
Judicial protection of fundamental rights in the transition from the world of atoms to the word of bits: The case of freedom of speech
O Pollicino
European Law Journal 25 (2), 155-168, 2019
Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea
RMOPS Allegrezza, R Mastroianni, F PAPPALARDO, O Pollicino, ...
Torino, 2017
Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale, responsabilità e accountability
M Bassini, L Liguori, O Pollicino
Verso nuovi paradigmi, 2018
From partial to full dialogue with Luxembourg: The last cooperative step of the Italian Constitutional Court
O Pollicino
European Constitutional Law Review 10 (1), 143-153, 2014
The “War” against Covid-19: state of exception, state of Siege, or (constitutional) Emergency Powers?: the italian case in comparative perspective
C Corradetti, O Pollicino
German Law Journal 22 (6), 1060-1071, 2021
Constitutional law in the algorithmic society
O Pollicino, G De Gregorio
2021). Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society. Cambridge …, 2021
The balkanization of data privacy regulation
FG Nicola, O Pollicino
W. Va. L. Rev. 123, 61, 2020
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