Felix Adrian Tencariu
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Religie și magie la est de Carpați acum 7000 de ani: tezaurul cu obiecte de cult de la Isaiia
N Ursulescu, FA Tencariu
Casa Editorială Demiurg, 2006
Briquetage and salt cakes: an experimental approach of a prehistoric technique
FA Tencariu, M Alexianu, V Cotiugă, V Vasilache, I Sandu
Journal of Archaeological Science 59, 118-131, 2015
Pars pro toto—Remote Sensing Data for the Reconstruction of a Rounded Chalcolithic Site from NE Romania: The Case of Ripiceni–Holm Settlement (Cucuteni …
A Asăndulesei, FA Tencariu, IC Nicu
Remote sensing 12 (5), 887, 2020
Establishing the archaeo‐metallurgic ornamentation process of an axe from the bronze age by OM, SEM‐EDX, and Micro‐FTIR
IG Sandu, FA Tencariu, DM Vornicu, AV Sandu, A Vornicu, V Vasilache, ...
Microscopy Research and Technique 77 (11), 918-927, 2014
Instalaţii de ardere a ceramicii īn civilizaţiile pre- şi protoistorice de pe teritoriul Romāniei
FA Tencariu
OM, SEM–EDX, and micro‐FTIR analysis of the Bronze Age pottery from the Băile Figa salt production site (Transylvania, Romania)
V Vasilache, V Kavruk, FA Tencariu
Microscopy Research and Technique 83 (6), 604-617, 2020
The salt from the Alghianu beck (Vrancea County, Romania): a multifaceted ethnoarchaeological approach
M Alexianu, FA Tencariu, A Asăndulesei, O Weller, R Brigand, I Sandu, ...
SALT, 47, 2015
Ovine pastoralism and mobility systems in Romania: an ethnoarchaeological approach
R Brigand, O Weller, FA Tencariu, M Alexianu, A Asăndulesei
Historical archaeologies of transhumance across Europe, 245-263, 2018
Conservarea ştiinţifică a artefactelor din ceramică
I Sandu, V Vasilache, FA Tencariu, V Cotiugă
Editura Universităţii" Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2010
Some Thoughts Concerning the Pottery Pyrotechnology in Neolithic and Chalcolithic
FA Tencariu
SIGNA PRAEHISTORICA. Studia in honorem magistri Attila Lįszló septuagesimo …, 2010
Understanding technological innovations through experiment. Construction and testing of Chalcolithic pottery kilns
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 27 (2), 387-401, 2021
Study on the Middle Bronze Age Disc-Butted Axe Ornament from Archaeometallurgical Point of View
IG Sandu, V Vasilache, I Sandu, FA Tencariu, AV Sandu
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 9814, 2021
Cesium magnetometer survey in the Cucuteni settlement of Fulgeriş-La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania
A Asăndulesei, LE Istina, V Cotiugă, FA Tencariu, Ş Caliniuc, R Balaur, ...
Romanian Reports in Physics 64 (3), 878-890, 2012
Noi date privind arhitectura locuinţelor din cultura Precucuteni, īn Ursulescu, N
N Ursulescu, F Tencariu
Dimensiunea europeană a civilizaţie eneoltice est-carpatice, 131-156, 2007
Aménagements de culte dans la zone des foyers et des fours de la culture Précucuteni
N Ursulescu, FA Tencariu
Memoria Antiquitatis, xxIII, Piatra Neamţ, 129-144, 2004
Experiments on pottery manufacture
FA Tencariu
Journal for (Re) construction and Experiment in Archaeology 1, 85-92, 2004
Despre problema construirii locuinţelor cucuteniene
N Ursulescu, FA Tencariu, G BODI
Carpica 32, 5-18, 2003
Īncercare de reconstituire a evoluţiei peisajului preistoric īn depresiunea Prutului mijlociu, microzona sitului cucutenian de la Ripiceni-Holm, judeţul Botoşani (partea I)
D Boghian, SC Enea, RG Pīrnău, A Melniciuc, A Asăndulesei, ...
Īn: ArheoVest, Nr. III:[Simpozion ArheoVest, Ediția a III-a:] In Memoriam …, 2015
, Noi date privind sistemul de fixare a pereţilor īn cultura Precucuteni
N Ursulescu, FA Tencariu, V Merlan
Carpica XXXI, 13-17, 2002
Experimental (Re) construction and use of a Late Cucuteni-Trypillia kiln
FA Tencariu, S Țerna, DM Vornicu, F Mățău, A Vornicu-Țerna
Arheologia Moldovei 41, 241-256, 2018
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Articles 1–20