Bridging methodological divides between macro-and microresearch: Endogeneity and methods for panel data PD Bliese, DJ Schepker, SM Essman, RE Ployhart Journal of Management 46 (1), 70-99, 2020 | 161 | 2020 |
Collective pay for performance: A cross-disciplinary review and meta-analysis AJ Nyberg, MA Maltarich, DD Abdulsalam, SM Essman, O Cragun Journal of Management 44 (6), 2433-2472, 2018 | 138 | 2018 |
Human capital resources: A call to retire settled debates and to start a few new debates A Nyberg, G Reilly, S Essman, J Rodrigues The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (1), 68-86, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Human capital resources: Reviewing the first decade and establishing a foundation for future research C Ray, S Essman, AJ Nyberg, RE Ployhart, D Hale Journal of Management 49 (1), 280-324, 2023 | 49 | 2023 |
The influence of independent contractors on organizational effectiveness: A review C Flinchbaugh, M Zare, C Chadwick, P Li, S Essman Human Resource Management Review 30 (2), 100681, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Signaling a successor? A theoretical and empirical analysis of the executive compensation‐chief executive officer succession relationship SM Essman, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, C Ray Strategic Management Journal 42 (1), 185-201, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
Carrots, sticks, and performance: is it commitment, or commitment plus control? PM Wright, SM Essman Academy of Management Perspectives 35 (2), 208-218, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
The missing construct in strategic human capital research: humans PM Wright, SM Essman Handbook of research on strategic human capital resources, 236-244, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Executive compensation: How organizations use pay mix to maximize top management team effectiveness and agility SM Essman, AJ Nyberg Senior leadership teams and the agile organization, 317-335, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Building the executive leadership team: Results of the 2019 HR@ Moore survey of chief HR officers PM Wright, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, KR Carrig, S Essman | 1 | 2019 |
The Impact of CEO and Board HR Expertise: Results of the 2018 HR@ Moore CHRO Survey PM Wright, FI Mullins, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, S Essman | 1 | 2018 |
The Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Office: Results of the 2021 HR@ Moore Survey of CHROs PM Wright, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, KR Carrig, S Essman | | 2021 |
The Most Important Human Capital Resource: A Strategic Human Resources Perspective on Top Management Team Effectiveness SM Essman University of South Carolina, 2021 | | 2021 |
Building Diversity Into the Talent Pipeline for Senior Operating Roles: Results of the 2020 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers PM Wright, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, KR Carrig, S Essman | | 2020 |
The Chief HR Officer Role: Results of the 2020 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief Human Resources Officers PM Wright, AJ Nyberg, DJ Schepker, S Essman, KR Carrig | | 2020 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Executive Succession: Results of the 2020 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers PM Wright, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, S Essman | | 2020 |
Building the High-Performing Executive Leadership Team: Results of the 2020 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief Human Resources Officers PM Wright, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, S Essman, KR Carrig | | 2020 |
Broadening our Sight to Explore the Internal Organizational Dynamics of Leader Succession S Essman, K Klein, D Van Knippenberg, D Wang Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 11689, 2020 | | 2020 |
Building the Board: Result of the 2019 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief Human Resource Officers PM Wright, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, KR Carrig, S Essman | | 2019 |
The CHRO and Culture: Results of the 2019 HR@ Moore Survey of Chief HR Officers PM Wright, DJ Schepker, AJ Nyberg, KR Carrig, S Essman | | 2019 |