Cristina Voinea
Cristina Voinea
Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe philosophy.ox.ac.uk
Citat de
Citat de
Understanding responsibility in Responsible AI. Dianoetic virtues and the hard problem of context
M Constantinescu, C Voinea, R Uszkai, C Vică
Ethics and Information Technology 23, 803-814, 2021
The internet as cognitive enhancement
C Voinea, C Vică, E Mihailov, J Savulescu
Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4), 2345-2362, 2020
Blame it on the AI? on the moral responsibility of artificial moral advisors
M Constantinescu, C Vică, R Uszkai, C Voinea
Philosophy & Technology 35 (2), 35, 2022
Designing for conviviality
C Voinea
Technology in Society 52, 70-78, 2018
Respecting Older Adults: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
C Voinea, T Wangmo, C Vica
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2022
The emperor is naked: Moral diplomacies and the ethics of AI
U Constantin Vică, Cristina Voinea
Információs Társadalom 21 (2), 83–96, 2021
Children-Robot Friendship, Moral Agency, and Aristotelian Virtue Development
CV Mihaela Constantinescu, Radu Uszkai, Constantin Vică
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022
The moral source of collective irrationality during COVID-19 vaccination campaigns
C Voinea, L Marin, C Vică
Philosophical Psychology 36 (5), 949-968, 2023
Do companies engage in moral grandstanding
C Voinea, R Uszkai
Proceedings of the 14th International Management Conference, 1033-1039, 2020
On Grief and Griefbots
C Voinea
Think 23 (67), 47-51, 2024
Is online Moral Outrage Outrageous? Rethinking the indignation machine
E Mihailov, C Voinea, C Vică
Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2), 12, 2023
Guvernare fără guvernanți: politica prin algoritmi și Big Data
C Voinea
Revista de filosofie 63 (2), 583-595, 2016
Digital doppelgängers and lifespan extension: What matters?
S Iglesias, B Earp, C Voinea, S Porsdam Mann, A Zahiu, NS Jecker, ...
Available at SSRN 4892541, 2024
Digital slot machines: social media platforms as attentional scaffolds
C Voinea, L Marin, C Vică
Topoi, 1-11, 2024
Responsibility attribution problems in companies: Could an artificial moral advisor solve this?
R Uszkai, C Voinea, T Gibea
Proceedings of the 15th International Management Conference, 951-960, 2021
A realist critique of moralism in politics: The autonomy of Bernard Williams’s basic legitimation demand
C Voinea
Public Reason 7 (1-2), 81-92, 2016
Inconsistencies in prevalent approaches to intellectual property
C Voinea
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 62 (1), 49-58, 2013
Know Thyself, Improve Thyself: Personalized LLMs for Self-Knowledge and Moral Enhancement
A Giubilini, SP Mann, C Voinea, BD Earp, J Savulescu
Paternalistic AI: the case of aged care
C Voinea, T Wangmo, C Vică
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-9, 2024
Artificial Intelligence, Robots and the Ethics of the Future
C Vică, C Voinea
Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 63 (2), 223-234, 2019
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