Rinku Gupta
Rinku Gupta
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Addressing failures in exascale computing
M Snir, RW Wisniewski, JA Abraham, SV Adve, S Bagchi, P Balaji, J Belak, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 28 (2 …, 2014
Mathematical modelling of pulsatile flow of Casson’s fluid in arterial stenosis
SU Siddiqui, NK Verma, S Mishra, RS Gupta
Applied Mathematics and Computation 210 (1), 1-10, 2009
CIFTS: A coordinated infrastructure for fault-tolerant systems
R Gupta, P Beckman, BH Park, E Lusk, P Hargrove, A Geist, D Panda, ...
2009 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 237-245, 2009
Co-analysis of RAS log and job log on Blue Gene/P
Z Zheng, L Yu, W Tang, Z Lan, R Gupta, N Desai, S Coghlan, D Buettner
2011 IEEE international parallel & distributed processing symposium, 840-851, 2011
Method and apparatus for utilizing closed captioned (CC) text keywords or phrases for the purpose of automated searching of network-based resources for interactive links to …
V Shastri, A Arya, S Sampath, R Bharadwaj, P Gupta
US Patent App. 09/727,837, 2001
A practical failure prediction with location and lead time for blue gene/p
Z Zheng, Z Lan, R Gupta, S Coghlan, P Beckman
2010 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops …, 2010
Logaider: A tool for mining potential correlations of hpc log events
S Di, R Gupta, M Snir, E Pershey, F Cappello
2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2017
MPI-aware networking infrastructure
R Gupta, T Abels
US Patent App. 11/147,783, 2006
Planning considerations for job scheduling in HPC clusters
S Iqbal, R Gupta, YC Fang
High-Performance Computing, reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, 2005
Mapping communication layouts to network hardware characteristics on massive-scale blue gene systems
P Balaji, R Gupta, A Vishnu, P Beckman
Computer Science-Research and Development 26 (3), 247-256, 2011
Evaluating power-monitoring capabilities on IBM Blue Gene/P and Blue Gene/Q
K Yoshii, K Iskra, R Gupta, P Beckman, V Vishwanath, C Yu, S Coghlan
2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 36-44, 2012
Efficient collective operations using remote memory operations on VIA-based clusters
R Gupta, P Balaji, DK Panda, J Nieplocha
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 9 pp., 2003
Exascale workload characterization and architecture implications
P Balaprakash, D Buntinas, A Chan, A Guha, R Gupta, SHK Narayanan, ...
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2013
System and method for intelligent information handling system cluster switches
R Radhakrishnan, R Gupta
US Patent App. 11/414,406, 2007
Exploring properties and correlations of fatal events in a large-scale hpc system
S Di, H Guo, R Gupta, ER Pershey, M Snir, F Cappello
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (2), 361-374, 2018
Distributed monitoring and management of exascale systems in the Argo project
S Perarnau, R Thakur, K Iskra, K Raffenetti, F Cappello, R Gupta, ...
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 15th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2015
Efficient barrier using remote memory operations on VIA-based clusters
R Gupta, V Tipparaju, J Nieplocha, D Panda
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 83-90, 2002
System and method for push-push cable connection
R Gupta, R Pepper
US Patent 7,156,683, 2007
Systemwide power management with Argo
D Ellsworth, T Patki, S Perarnau, S Seo, A Amer, J Zounmevo, R Gupta, ...
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2016
La VALSE: Scalable Log Visualization for Fault Characterization in Supercomputers.
H Guo, S Di, R Gupta, T Peterka, F Cappello
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 91-100, 2018
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Articles 1–20