jan markendahl
jan markendahl
Associate professor, Communications systems department, Royal Institute of Technology
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Business case and technology analysis for 5G low latency applications
MA Lema, A Laya, T Mahmoodi, M Cuevas, J Sachs, J Markendahl, ...
IEEE Access 5, 5917-5935, 2017
Stakeholders' expectations of mobile payment in retail: lessons from Sweden
T Apanasevic, J Markendahl, N Arvidsson
International Journal of Bank Marketing 34 (1), 37-61, 2016
Business development in the Internet of Things: A matter of vertical cooperation
A Ghanbari, A Laya, J Alonso-Zarate, J Markendahl
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 135-141, 2017
A comparative study of deployment options, capacity and cost structure for macrocellular and femtocell networks
J Markendahl, Ö Mäkitalo
2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2010
Mobile network operators and cooperation: A tele-economic study of infrastructure sharing and mobile payment services
J Markendahl
KTH, 2011
Device-to-device communications and small cells: enabling spectrum reuse for dense networks
A Laya, K Wang, AA Widaa, J Alonso-Zarate, J Markendahl, L Alonso
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (4), 98-105, 2014
Business models and resource management for shared wireless networks
J Hultell, K Johansson, J Markendahl
IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 5, 3393-3397, 2004
Scenarios, requirements and KPIs for 5G mobile and wireless system
P Popovski, V Braun, H Mayer, P Fertl, Z Ren, D Gonzales-Serrano, ...
The METIS project: Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the …, 2013
Who is investing in machine-to-machine communications?
A Laya, V Bratu, J Markendahl
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2013
Comparison of LPWAN technologies: Cost structure and scalability
MI Hossain, JI Markendahl
Wireless Personal Communications 121 (1), 887-903, 2021
Cost drivers and deployment scenarios for future broadband wireless networks-key research problems and directions for research
T Giles, J Markendahl, J Zander, P Zetterberg, P Karlsson, G Malmgren, ...
2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2004-Spring (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Network-centric business models for health, social care and wellbeing solutions in the internet of things
A Laya, J Markendahl, S Lundberg
Scandinavian Journal of management 34 (2), 103-116, 2018
Analysis of macro—femtocell interference and implications for spectrum allocation
J Espino, J Markendahl
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Business innovation strategies to reduce the revenue gap for wireless broadband services
J Markendahl, Ö Mäkitalo, J Werding, BG Mölleryd
Communications & Strategies, 35, 2009
Mobile broadband expansion calls for more spectrum or more base stations: analysis of the value of spectrum and the role of spectrum aggregation
J Markendahl, BG Mölleryd
International Journal of Management and Network Economics 2 (2), 115-134, 2011
Shared smallcell networks multi-operator or third party solutions-or both?
J Markendahl, A Ghanbari
2013 11th International symposium and workshops on modeling and optimization …, 2013
Mobile telecommunications ecosystem evolutions with 5G
F Pujol, SE Elayoubi, J Markendahl, L Salahaldin
Communications & Strategies, 109, 2016
Decoupling of revenues and traffic-Is there a revenue gap for mobile broadband?
BG Mölleryd, J Markendahl, J Werding, Ö Mäkitalo
2010 9th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet, 1-7, 2010
Analysis of business models and market players for local wireless internet access
J Markendahl, O Makitalo
2007 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, 1-8, 2007
Business challenges for Internet of Things: Findings from e-home care, smart access control, smart cities and homes
J Markendahl, A Laya
The 29th Annual IMP Conference, 2013
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Articles 1–20