M.J. Aranzabe
M.J. Aranzabe
Profesora del Departamento de Lengua Vasca y Comunicación (UPV/EHU)
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Universal Dependencies 1.2
J Nivre, Ž Agić, MJ Aranzabe, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, J Bauer, ...
Universal Dependencies Consortium, 2015
Construction of a Basque dependency treebank
I Aduriz, MJ Aranzabe, JM Arriola, A Atutxa, AD De Ilarraza, A Garmendia, ...
Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT), 201-204, 2003
Methodology and steps towards the construction of EPEC, a corpus of written Basque tagged at morphological and syntactic levels for automatic processing
I Aduriz, MJ Aranzabe, JM Arriola, A Atutxa, AD de Ilarraza, N Ezeiza, ...
Corpus linguistics around the world, 1-15, 2006
The RST Basque TreeBank: an online search interface to check rhetorical relations
M Iruskieta, MJ Aranzabe, AD de Ilarraza, I Gonzalez, M Lersundi, ...
4th workshop RST and discourse studies, 40-49, 2013
Simple or complex? assessing the readability of basque texts
I Gonzalez-Dios, MJ Aranzabe, AD de Ilarraza, H Salaberri
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th international conference on …, 2014
A cascaded syntactic analyser for Basque
I Aduriz, MJ Aranzabe, JM Arriola, AD de Ilarraza, K Gojenola, M Oronoz, ...
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 5th International …, 2004
Universal dependencies 2.8. 1
D Zeman, J Nivre, M Abrams, E Ackermann, N Aepli, H Aghaei, Ž Agić, ...
LINDAT/CLARIAHCZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied …, 2021
First approach to automatic text simplification in basque
MJ Aranzabe, AD De Ilarraza, I Gonzalez-Dios
Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual …, 2012
Transforming complex sentences using dependency trees for automatic text simplification in Basque
MJ Aranzabe, AD De Ilarraza, I Gonzalez-Dios
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 50, 61-68, 2013
3LB: Construcción de una base de datos de árboles sintáctico-semánticos para el catalán, euskera y castellano.
M Palomar, M Civit, A Díaz, L Moreno, E Bisbal, M Aranzabe, A Ageno, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje Natural 33, 2004
The corpus of Basque simplified texts (CBST)
I Gonzalez-Dios, MJ Aranzabe, A Díaz de Ilarraza
Language Resources and Evaluation 52 (1), 217-247, 2018
Using finite state technology in natural language processing of Basque
I Alegria, M Aranzabe, N Ezeiza, A Ezeiza, R Urizar
International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, 1-12, 2001
Robustness and customisation in an analyser/lemmatiser for Basque
I Alegria, M Aranzabe, A Ezeiza, N Ezeiza, R Urizar
LREC-2002 Customizing knowledge in NLP applications workshop, 1-6, 2002
Automatic conversion of the basque dependency treebank to universal dependencies
MJ Aranzabe, A Atutxa, K Bengoetxea, AD de Ilarraza, I Goenaga, ...
Proceedings of the fourteenth international workshop on treebanks an …, 2015
Dependentzia-ereduan oinarritutako baliabide sintaktikoak: zuhaitz-bankua eta gramatika konputazionala
MJ Aranzabe
Doktore-tesia, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Donostia, 2008
Universal dependencies 1.1
Ž Agic, MJ Aranzabe, A Atutxa, C Bosco, J Choi, MC de Marneffe, T Dozat, ...
LINDAT/CLARIN digital library at Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics …, 2015
Syntactic annotation in the Reference Corpus for the Processing of Basque (EPEC): Theoretical and practical issues
I Aldezabal, MJ Aranzabe, JM Arriola, AD de Ilarraza
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 5 (2), 241-269, 2009
Building the Basque PropBank.
I Aldezabal, MJ Aranzabe, AD de Ilarraza Sánchez, A Estarrona
LREC, 2010
EusPropBank: Integrating semantic information in the Basque dependency treebank
I Aldezabal, MJ Aranzabe, A Díaz de Ilarraza, A Estarrona, L Uria
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 11th …, 2010
Construcción de un corpus etiquetado sintácticamente para el euskera.
I Aduriz, IA Roteta, M Aranzabe, B Arrieta, JM Arriola, A Atutxa, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 29, 2002
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Articles 1–20