Lekha Patel
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Cited by
A hidden Markov model approach to characterizing the photo-switching behavior of fluorophores
L Patel, N Gustafsson, Y Lin, R Ober, R Henriques, E Cohen
Annals of Applied Statistics 13 (3), 1397, 2019
Parameter estimation of binned Hawkes processes
L Shlomovich, EAK Cohen, N Adams, L Patel
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31 (4), 990-1000, 2022
Blinking statistics and molecular counting in direct stochastic reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM)
L Patel, D Williamson, DM Owen, EAK Cohen
Bioinformatics 37 (17), 2730–2737, 2021
Classification of photovoltaic failures with hidden markov modeling, an unsupervised statistical approach
MW Hopwood, L Patel, T Gunda
Energies 15 (14), 5104, 2022
Spatio-temporal extreme event modeling of terror insurgencies
L Patel, L Shand, JD Tucker, G Huerta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.08363, 2021
Toward data assimilation of ship-induced aerosol–cloud interactions
L Patel, L Shand
Environmental Data Science 1, e31, 2022
A Monte Carlo EM algorithm for the parameter estimation of aggregated Hawkes processes
L Shlomovich, E Cohen, N Adams, L Patel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.07160, 2020
Development and characterization of a tabletop fog chamber at Sandia National Laboratories
CA Pattyn, J Zenker, E Deneke, L Patel, BJ Redman, JD van der Laan, ...
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (XR) Technology for Multi-Domain …, 2022
Exploring ship track spreading rates with a physics-informed Langevin particle parameterization
LA McMichael, MJ Schmidt, R Wood, PN Blossey, L Patel
EGUsphere 2024, 1-33, 2024
Influence of NaCl concentration on the optical scattering properties of water-based aerosols
CA Pattyn, JP Zenker, BJ Redman, JD van der Laan, AL Sanchez, ...
Applied Optics 62 (20), 5571-5579, 2023
Simulating cloud-aerosol interactions made by ship emissions
L Patel, L Shand
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.05356, 2021
Assessing Extreme Value Analysis to predict rare events from the Global Terrorism Database
L Patel, L Shand, JD Tucker, JG Huerta
Joint Statistical Meetings: Section on Statistics in Defense and National …, 2020
Bayesian filtering for spatial estimation of photo-switching fluorophores imaged in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
L Patel, EAK Cohen
2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1187-1191, 2018
24WXMOD Estimation of Ship Track Spreading Rates using a LES-informed Stochastic Particle Representation
LA McMichael, M Schmidt, P Blossey, R Wood, L Patel
104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
Memory Efficient And Minimax Distribution Estimation Under Wasserstein Distance Using Bayesian Histograms
PM Jacobs, L Patel, A Bhattacharya, D Pati
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.10099, 2023
Deep Learning Aerosol-Cloud Interactions from Satellite Imagery
P Warburton, K Shuler, L Patel
Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium Series 2 (1), 159-165, 2023
Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols in a Tabletop Chamber.
C Pattyn, J Zenker, J Torchinsky, P Warburton, M Schmidt, P Bosler, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
Developing and Characterizing an Inexpensive Tabletop Cloud Chamber.
J Zenker, C Pattyn, L Patel, J Torchinsky, M Schmidt, A Sanchez, B Bentz, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
Towards dynamic quantile function models for anomaly detection.
L Patel, P Jacobs
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
SEQUANA: SEQUential ANomaly Analysis.
L Patel, D McGeehan, M Shakamuri, M Palaviccini, F Christensen
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2022
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Articles 1–20