Aris Xanthos
Aris Xanthos
Université de Lausanne, section des sciences du langage et de l'information
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On the role of morphological richness in the early development of noun and verb inflection
A Xanthos, S Laaha, S Gillis, U Stephany, A Aksu-Koç, A Christofidou, ...
First Language 31 (4), 461-479, 2011
Learning phonological categories
J Goldsmith, A Xanthos
Language, 4-38, 2009
On the context-free ambiguity of emoji
J Częstochowska, K Gligorić, M Peyrard, Y Mentha, M Bień, A Grütter, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 16 …, 2022
Quantifying the development of inflectional diversity
A Xanthos, S Gillis
First language 30 (2), 175-198, 2010
Visualising the dynamics of character networks
A Xanthos, I Pante, Y Rochat, M Grandjean
Digital Humanities, 417-419, 2016
Computational learning of morphology
JA Goldsmith, JL Lee, A Xanthos
Annual Review of Linguistics 3 (1), 85-106, 2017
Textable: programmation visuelle pour l’analyse de données textuelles
A Xanthos
Actes des 12èmes Journées internationales d'analyse statistique des données …, 2014
Apprentissage automatique de la morphologie: Le cas des structures racine-schème
A Xanthos
Peter Lang, 2008
The adjective petit ‘small, little’in French acquisition data: An example of the relationship between pragmatics and morphosyntactic development
M Kilani-Schoch, A Xanthos
Journal of Pragmatics 56, 113-132, 2013
Décomposer les humanités numériques
M Piotrowski, A Xanthos
Humanités numériques, 2020
Weakly inflecting languages: French, Dutch, German
S Laaha, S Gillis, M Kilani-Schoch, K Korecky-Kröll, A Xanthos, ...
Typological perspectives on the acquisition of noun and verb morphology …, 2007
Markov associativities
F Bavaud, A Xanthos
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 12 (2-3), 123-137, 2005
Segmentation and clustering of textual sequences: a typological approach
C Cocco, R Pittier, F Bavaud, A Xanthos
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2011
The first year of adjectives: A cross-linguistic study of the emergence of a category
D Ravid, E Tribushinina, K Korecky-Kröll, A Xanthos, M Kilani-Schoch, ...
Poster presented at the Child Language Seminar, London, 24-25, 2010
Combining utterance-boundary and predictability approaches to speech segmentation
A Xanthos
Proceedings of the Workshop on Psycho-Computational Models of Human Language …, 2004
Du k-gramme au mot: variation sur un thème distributionnaliste
A Xanthos
Lausanne: Université de Lausanne, 2003
Thermodynamique et statistique textuelle: concepts et illustrations
F Bavaud, A Xanthos
Proceedings of JADT, 2002
Entropizer 1.1: un outil informatique pour l’analyse séquentielle
A Xanthos
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis …, 2000
Identification and quantification of colours in children's drawings
C Cocco, R Ceré, A Xanthos, PY Brandt
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2018 …, 2019
Layout analysis on newspaper archives
V Buntinx, F Kaplan, A Xanthos
Digital Humanities 2017, 409-412, 2017
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