Mathematics interventions for children with special educational needs: A meta-analysis EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit Remedial and special education 24 (2), 97-114, 2003 | 1090 | 2003 |
Working memory and mathematics in primary school children: A meta-analysis I Friso-Van den Bos, SHG Van der Ven, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit Educational research review 10, 29-44, 2013 | 819 | 2013 |
Executive functions as predictors of math learning disabilities SWM Toll, SHG Van der Ven, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit Journal of learning disabilities 44 (6), 521-532, 2011 | 488 | 2011 |
Individual differences in early numeracy: The role of executive functions and subitizing EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, E Van Lieshout, E Van Loosbroek, ... Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 27 (3), 226-236, 2009 | 355 | 2009 |
Effectiveness of a computerised working memory training in adolescents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities MJ Van der Molen, JEH Van Luit, MW Van der Molen, I Klugkist, ... Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 54 (5), 433-447, 2010 | 282 | 2010 |
Verbal working memory in children with mild intellectual disabilities MJ Van der Molen, JEH Van Luit, MJ Jongmans, MW Van der Molen Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 51 (2), 162-169, 2007 | 248 | 2007 |
Effectiveness of explicit and constructivist mathematics instruction for low-achieving students in the Netherlands EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, CJM Maas The Elementary School Journal 104 (3), 233-251, 2004 | 238 | 2004 |
Verbal and visual-spatial working memory and mathematical ability in different domains throughout primary school E Van de Weijer-Bergsma, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit Memory & cognition 43, 367-378, 2015 | 214 | 2015 |
Visuospatial working memory and early numeracy M Kyttälä, P Aunio, JE Lehto, J Van Luit, J Hautamäki Educational and Child Psychology 20 (3), 65-76, 2003 | 214 | 2003 |
Mathematical thinking intervention programmes for preschool children with normal and low number sense P Aunio*, J Hautamäki, JEH Van Luit European Journal of Special Needs Education 20 (2), 131-146, 2005 | 197 | 2005 |
Improving early numeracy of young children with special educational needs JEH Van Luit, EAM Schopman Remedial and special education 21 (1), 27-40, 2000 | 189 | 2000 |
The construction of the Utrecht early mathematical competence scales BAM Van de Rijt, JEH Van Luit, AH Pennings Educational and psychological measurement 59 (2), 289-309, 1999 | 186 | 1999 |
Rekenproblemen en dyscalculie. Theorie, onderzoek, diagnostiek en behandeling AJJM Ruijssenaars, JEH Van Luit, E Van Lieshout Lemniscaat, 2004 | 184 | 2004 |
The developmental relationship between language and low early numeracy skills throughout kindergarten SWM Toll, JEH Van Luit Exceptional Children 81 (1), 64-78, 2014 | 180 | 2014 |
Differentiated instruction in primary mathematics: Effects of teacher professional development on student achievement EJ Prast, E Van de Weijer-Bergsma, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit Learning and Instruction 54, 22-34, 2018 | 176 | 2018 |
Mathematical learning difficulties and PASS cognitive processes EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, JA Naglieri Journal of Learning Disabilities 36 (6), 574-582, 2003 | 172 | 2003 |
Effectiveness of the Additional Early Mathematics program for teaching children early mathematics BAM Van De Rijt, JEH Van Luit Instructional Science 26, 337-358, 1998 | 167 | 1998 |
Young children's number sense in China and Finland P Aunio, M Niemivirta, J Hautamäki, JEH Van Luit, J Shi, M Zhang Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 50 (5), 483-502, 2006 | 150 | 2006 |
Longitudinal development of number line estimation and mathematics performance in primary school children I Friso-van den Bos, EH Kroesbergen, JEH Van Luit, I Xenidou-Dervou, ... Journal of experimental child psychology 134, 12-29, 2015 | 141 | 2015 |
Effectiveness of the MASTER program for teaching special children multiplication and division JEH Van Luit, JA Naglieri Journal of Learning Disabilities 32 (2), 98-107, 1999 | 138 | 1999 |