Introducere în management A Burciu, G Prelipcean, I Bostan, V Hapenciuc, C Chașovschi, C Roman, ... Editura Economică, București, 2008 | 79 | 2008 |
Converging sustainable entrepreneurship and the contemporary marketing practices. An insight into romanian start-ups CV Hapenciuc, F Pînzaru, EM Vătămănescu, P Stanciu Amfiteatru Economic Journal 17 (40), 938-954, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
The impact of digitalization on business sector development in the knowledge economy DM Neamțu, CV Hapenciuc, R Bejinaru Proceedings of the international conference on business excellence 13 (1 …, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Absorption of Structural Funds–International Comparisons and Correlations CV Hapenciuc, AA Moroșan, G Arionesei Procedia Economics and Finance 6, 259-272, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Cercetarea statistică în turism CV Hapenciuc Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică, București, 2003 | 36 | 2003 |
The university role in developing the human capital for a sustainable bioeconomy R Bejinaru, CV Hapenciuc, I Condratov, P Stanciu Amfiteatru Economic 20 (49), 583-598, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Theoretical framework for quality evaluation of tourism-related websites services CV Hapenciuc, I Condratov Economy Informatics 1 (4), 52-58, 2007 | 31 | 2007 |
The role of HES within the evolution of the business sector CV Hapenciuc, R Bejinaru, C Roman, DM Neamtu EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 5309-5317, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Tourist safety and security: a factor of the competitiveness of secondary tourist destinations M Costea, CV Hapenciuc, P Stanciu Revista de turism-studii si cercetari in turism 23, 1-9, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Non-rational thinking in the decision-making process A Burciu, CV Hapenciuc Proceedings of the European Conference on Intellectual Capital 2, 152-160, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
Reliability and flexibility in the quality management of tourism products P Stanciu, V Hapenciuc Amfiteatru Economic Journal 11 (26), 482-494, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Introducere în management (Introduction to management) A Burciu, G Prelipcean, I Bostan, C Chasovschi, V Hapenciuc, C Roman, ... Editura Economică, 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Valorization of the learning organization’s principles in the business Higher Educational System (HES) R Bejinaru, CV Hapenciuc Opportunities and Risks in the Contemporary Business Environment, 600, 2016 | 16 | 2016 |
Exploring the effectiveness of university agenda for developing students’ entrepreneurial behavior R Bejinaru, DM Neamțu, I Condratov, P Stanciu, CV Hapenciuc Economic research-Ekonomska istraŸivanja 36 (1), 1317-1337, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
Are Structural Funds a Real Solution for Regional Development in the European Union? A Study on the Northeast Region of Romania I Bostan, AA Moroșan, CV Hapenciuc, P Stanciu, I Condratov Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15 (6), 232, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Romania versus Bulgaria: A short analysis of the competitiveness of seaside tourism M Costea, CV Hapenciuc, G Arionesei CBU International Conference Proceedings 4, 471-482, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Dimensions of the learning organization within pharmaceutical companies in Romania O Bordeianu, CV Hapenciuc, R Bejinaru, A Burciu de 8th International Management Conference" Management challenges for …, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
The tourism in view of regional development in the North-East region of Romania AL Scutariu, CV Hapenciuc The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration 8 (1), 36-43, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
Sustainable economic growth based on R&D amplification and technological content of exports. Evidences from Romania and the V4 economies A Burciu, R Kicsi, I Bostan, I Condratov, CV Hapenciuc Sustainability 12 (5), 1831, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
The economic impact of the SAPARD programme on the tourism supply in Suceava County CV Hapenciuc, P Stanciu, AA Morosan, G Arionesei Amfiteatru economic 16 (8), 1327-1339, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |