Michael Orger
Michael Orger
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Cited by
Ultrasensitive fluorescent proteins for imaging neuronal activity
TW Chen, TJ Wardill, Y Sun, SR Pulver, SL Renninger, A Baohan, ...
Nature 499 (7458), 295-300, 2013
Whole-brain functional imaging at cellular resolution using light-sheet microscopy
MB Ahrens, MB Orger, DN Robson, JM Li, PJ Keller
Nature methods 10 (5), 413-420, 2013
Optimization of a GCaMP calcium indicator for neural activity imaging
J Akerboom, TW Chen, TJ Wardill, L Tian, JS Marvin, S Mutlu, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (40), 13819-13840, 2012
An optimized fluorescent probe for visualizing glutamate neurotransmission
JS Marvin, BG Borghuis, L Tian, J Cichon, MT Harnett, J Akerboom, ...
Nature methods 10 (2), 162-170, 2013
Genetically encoded calcium indicators for multi-color neural activity imaging and combination with optogenetics
J Akerboom, N Carreras Calderón, L Tian, S Wabnig, M Prigge, J Tolö, ...
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 6, 2, 2013
Brain-wide neuronal dynamics during motor adaptation in zebrafish
MB Ahrens, JM Li, MB Orger, DN Robson, AF Schier, F Engert, ...
Nature 485 (7399), 471-477, 2012
Whole-brain activity maps reveal stereotyped, distributed networks for visuomotor behavior
R Portugues, CE Feierstein, F Engert, MB Orger
Neuron 81 (6), 1328-1343, 2014
Video-rate volumetric functional imaging of the brain at synaptic resolution
R Lu, W Sun, Y Liang, A Kerlin, J Bierfeld, JD Seelig, DE Wilson, B Scholl, ...
Nature Neuroscience, 2017
Control of visually guided behavior by distinct populations of spinal projection neurons
MB Orger, AR Kampff, KE Severi, JH Bollmann, F Engert
Nature neuroscience 11 (3), 327-333, 2008
Zebrafish Behavior: Opportunities and Challenges.
MB Orger, GG de Polavieja
Annual review of neuroscience, 2017
Forward genetic analysis of visual behavior in zebrafish
A Muto, MB Orger, AM Wehman, MC Smear, JN Kay, PS Page-McCaw, ...
PLoS Genet 1 (5), e66, 2005
Neural control and modulation of swimming speed in the larval zebrafish
KE Severi, R Portugues, JC Marques, DM O’Malley, MB Orger, F Engert
Neuron 83 (3), 692-707, 2014
Structure of the Zebrafish Locomotor Repertoire Revealed with Unsupervised Behavioral Clustering
JC Marques, S Lackner, R Félix, MB Orger
Current Biology, 2018
Perception of Fourier and non-Fourier motion by larval zebrafish
MB Orger, MC Smear, SM Anstis, H Baier
Nature neuroscience 3 (11), 1128, 2000
Channeling of red and green cone inputs to the zebrafish optomotor response
MB Orger, H Baier
Visual neuroscience 22 (03), 275-281, 2005
The tangential nucleus controls a gravito-inertial vestibulo-ocular reflex
IH Bianco, LH Ma, D Schoppik, DN Robson, MB Orger, JC Beck, JM Li, ...
Current biology 22 (14), 1285-1295, 2012
Behavioral screening assays in zebrafish
MB Orger, E Gahtan, A Muto, P Page-McCaw, MC Smear, H Baier
Methods in cell biology 77, 53-68, 2004
Vesicular glutamate transport at a central synapse limits the acuity of visual perception in zebrafish
MC Smear, HW Tao, W Staub, MB Orger, NJ Gosse, Y Liu, K Takahashi, ...
Neuron 53 (1), 65-77, 2007
Two-photon imaging of neural population activity in zebrafish
SL Renninger, MB Orger
Methods 62 (3), 255-267, 2013
Seeing the whole picture: A comprehensive imaging approach to functional mapping of circuits in behaving zebrafish
CE Feierstein, R Portugues, MB Orger
Neuroscience 296, 26-38, 2015
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Articles 1–20