Walter Panzeri
Walter Panzeri
C.N.R. Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche "G. Natta" (SCITEC)
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Perfluorocarbon–hydrocarbon self-assembly: Part 16. 19F NMR study of the halogen bonding between halo-perfluorocarbons and heteroatom containing hydrocarbons
P Metrangolo, W Panzeri, F Recupero, G Resnati
Journal of fluorine chemistry 114 (1), 27-33, 2002
Hydrophilic clicked 2, 6-bis-triazolyl-pyridines endowed with high actinide selectivity and radiochemical stability: toward a closed nuclear fuel cycle
E Macerata, E Mossini, S Scaravaggi, M Mariani, A Mele, W Panzeri, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (23), 7232-7235, 2016
Perfluorocarbon-hydrocarbon self-assembly. Part 3. Liquid phase interactions between perfluoroalkylhalides and heteroatom containing hydrocarbons
MT Messina, P Metrangolo, W Panzeri, E Ragg, G Resnati
Tetrahedron letters 39 (49), 9069-9072, 1998
Intermolecular recognition between hydrocarbon oxygen-donors and perfluorocarbon iodine-acceptors: the shortest O⋯ I non-covalent bond
MT Messina, P Metrangolo, W Panzeri, T Pilati, G Resnati
Tetrahedron 57 (40), 8543-8550, 2001
TEMPO‐oxidized cellulose cross‐linked with branched polyethyleneimine: nanostructured adsorbent sponges for water remediation
L Melone, B Rossi, N Pastori, W Panzeri, A Mele, C Punta
ChemPlusChem 80 (9), 1408-1415, 2015
Monoaza [5] helicenes. Part 2: Synthesis, characterisation and theoretical calculations
S Abbate, C Bazzini, T Caronna, F Fontana, C Gambarotti, F Gangemi, ...
Tetrahedron 62 (1), 139-148, 2006
Anomalous diffusion of ibuprofen in cyclodextrin nanosponge hydrogels: An HRMAS NMR study
M Ferro, F Castiglione, C Punta, L Melone, W Panzeri, B Rossi, F Trotta, ...
Beilstein journal of organic chemistry 10 (1), 2715-2723, 2014
Validating a strategy for molecular dynamics simulations of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes through single-crystal X-ray and NMR experimental data: a case study
G Raffaini, F Ganazzoli, L Malpezzi, C Fuganti, G Fronza, W Panzeri, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (27), 9110-9122, 2009
Synthesis and characterization of some aza [5] helicenes
C Bazzini, S Brovelli, T Caronna, C Gambarotti, M Giannone, P Macchi, ...
European journal of organic chemistry 2005 (7), 1247-1257, 2005
2, 9-Dicarbonyl-1, 10-phenanthroline derivatives with an unprecedented Am (III)/Eu (III) selectivity under highly acidic conditions
M Galletta, S Scaravaggi, E Macerata, A Famulari, A Mele, W Panzeri, ...
Dalton Transactions 42 (48), 16930-16938, 2013
Surface fluorination on TiO2 catalyst induced by photodegradation of perfluorooctanoic acid
S Gatto, M Sansotera, F Persico, M Gola, C Pirola, W Panzeri, W Navarrini, ...
Catalysis Today 241, 8-14, 2015
Synthesis and evaluation of stereopure α-trifluoromethyl-malic hydroxamates as inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases
M Sani, D Belotti, R Giavazzi, W Panzeri, A Volonterio, M Zanda
Tetrahedron letters 45 (8), 1611-1615, 2004
Vibrational dynamics and hydrogen bond properties of β-CD nanosponges: an FTIR-ATR, Raman and solid-state NMR spectroscopic study
F Castiglione, V Crupi, D Majolino, A Mele, W Panzeri, B Rossi, F Trotta, ...
Journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry 75, 247-254, 2013
Perfluorocarbon—hydrocarbon self assembling. Thermal and vibrational analyses of one-dimensional networks formed by α, ω-diiodoperfluoroalkanes with K. 2.2. and K. 2.2. 2.
A Lunghi, P Cardillo, T Messina, P Metrangolo, W Panzeri, G Resnati
Journal of fluorine chemistry 91 (2), 191-194, 1998
Enzymatic Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of steroids with cyclopentadecanone monooxygenase
E Beneventi, G Ottolina, G Carrea, W Panzeri, G Fronza, PCK Lau
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 58 (1-4), 164-168, 2009
A free radical Mannich type reaction: Selective α-CH aminomethylation of ethers by Ti (III)/t-BuOOH system under aqueous acidic conditions
A Clerici, R Cannella, N Pastori, W Panzeri, O Porta
Tetrahedron 62 (25), 5986-5994, 2006
Synthesis, spectroscopic, and X-ray diffraction structural studies of tin (IV) derivatives with tris (pyrazol-1-yl) methanes
C Pettinari, M Pellei, A Cingolani, D Martini, A Drozdov, S Troyanov, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 38 (25), 5777-5787, 1999
Dimerizable Redox‐Sensitive Triazine‐Based Cationic Lipids for in vitro Gene Delivery
G Candiani, M Frigerio, F Viani, C Verpelli, C Sala, L Chiamenti, ...
ChemMedChem: Chemistry Enabling Drug Discovery 2 (3), 292-296, 2007
Structural and physicochemical characterization of the inclusion complexes of cyclomaltooligosaccharides (cyclodextrins) with melatonin
D Bongiorno, L Ceraulo, A Mele, W Panzeri, A Selva, VT Liveri
Carbohydrate research 337 (8), 743-754, 2002
Synthesis of Nonracemic α‐Trifluoromethyl α‐Amino Acids from Sulfinimines of Trifluoropyruvate
A Asensio, P Bravo, M Crucianelli, A Farina, S Fustero, JG Soler, ...
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2001 (8), 1449-1458, 2001
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Articles 1–20