R K Chadha, Ph.D., FNASc
R K Chadha, Ph.D., FNASc
Chief Scientist (Retired)
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The rapid drift of the Indian tectonic plate
P Kumar, X Yuan, MR Kumar, R Kind, X Li, RK Chadha
Nature 449 (7164), 894-897, 2007
The nature of the crust in southern India: Implications for Precambrian crustal evolution
KPVKG Sandeep Gupta, S.S. Rai, K.S. Prakasam, D
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (8), 1219-1226, 2003
Aseismic plate boundary in the Indo-Burmese wedge, northwest Sunda Arc
VK Gahalaut, B Kundu, SS Laishram, J Catherine, A Kumar, MD Singh, ...
Geology 41 (2), 235-238, 2013
The tsunami of the great Sumatra earthquake of M 9.0 on 26 December 2004–Impact on the east coast of India
RK Chadha, G Latha, H Yeh, C Peterson, T Katada
Current Science, 1297-1301, 2005
Seismicity at Warna reservoir (near Koyna) through 1995
BK Rastogi, RK Chadha, CSP Sarma, P Mandal, HVS Satyanarayana, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (6), 1484-1494, 1997
Imaging the lithosphere‐asthenosphere boundary of the Indian plate using converted wave techniques
P Kumar, M Ravi Kumar, G Srijayanthi, K Arora, D Srinagesh, RK Chadha, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (10), 5307-5319, 2013
Surface loading and triggered earthquakes in the Koyna–Warna region, western India
AP Pandey, RK Chadha
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 139 (3-4), 207-223, 2003
First evidence for anomalous thick crust beneath mid-Archean western Dharwar craton
S Gupta, SS Rai, KS Prakasam, D Srinagesh, RK Chadha, K Priestley, ...
Current Science, 1219-1226, 2003
Rigid Indian plate: constraints from GPS measurements
P Mahesh, JK Catherine, VK Gahalaut, B Kundu, A Ambikapathy, ...
Gondwana Research 22 (3-4), 1068-1072, 2012
Paleoliquefaction evidence and periodicity of large prehistoric earthquakes in Shillong Plateau, India
BS Sukhija, MN Rao, DV Reddy, P Nagabhushanam, S Hussain, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 167 (3-4), 269-282, 1999
Search for earthquake precursors in well water levels in a localized seismically active area of reservoir triggered earthquakes in India
RK Chadha, AP Pandey, HJ Kuempel
Geophysical research letters 30 (7), 2003
A receiver function perspective of the Dharwar craton (India) crustal structure
D Sarkar, MR Kumar, J Saul, R Kind, PS Raju, RK Chadha, AK Shukla
Geophysical Journal International 154 (1), 205-211, 2003
Effects of the 2004 great Sumatra tsunami: Southeast Indian coast
H Yeh, M Francis, C Peterson, T Katada, G Latha, RK Chadha, JP Singh, ...
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 133 (6), 382-400, 2007
Development of probabilistic seismic hazard map of India
RN Iyengar, RK Chadha, K Balaji Rao, STG Raghukanth
Report on the National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India, India, 2010
Sedimentary thickness variations in the Indo‐Gangetic foredeep from inversion of receiver functions
D Srinivas, D Srinagesh, RK Chadha, M Ravi Kumar
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103 (4), 2257-2265, 2013
The 2005 volcano‐tectonic earthquake swarm in the Andaman Sea: Triggered by the 2004 great Sumatra‐Andaman earthquake
B Kundu, D Legrand, K Gahalaut, VK Gahalaut, P Mahesh, ...
Tectonics 31 (5), 2012
Timing and return period of major palaeoseismic events in the Shillong Plateau, India
BS Sukhija, MN Rao, DV Reddy, P Nagabhushanam, S Hussain, ...
Tectonophysics 308 (1-2), 53-65, 1999
Three-dimensional velocity imaging of the Kachchh seismic zone, Gujarat, India
P Mandal, RK Chadha
Tectonophysics 452 (1-4), 1-16, 2008
Seismicity near Bhatsa reservoir, Maharashtra, India
BK Rastogi, RK Chadha, IP Raju
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 44 (2), 179-199, 1986
GPS measurements of postseismic deformation in the Andaman‐Nicobar region following the giant 2004 Sumatra‐Andaman earthquake
VK Gahalaut, S Jade, JK Catherine, R Gireesh, MB Ananda, P Kumar, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B8), 2008
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Articles 1–20