Sophia Czapka
Sophia Czapka
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Executive functions and language: Their differential influence on mono-vs. multilingual spelling in primary school
S Czapka, A Klassert, J Festman
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 97, 2019
A path to the bilingual advantage: Pairwise matching of individuals
S Czapka, C Wotschack, A Klassert, J Festman
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23 (2), 344-354, 2020
How many moderators does is take till we know… that too many bilingual advantage effects have died
J Festman, S Czapka, A Winsler
Understanding Variability in Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, and …, 2021
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test reveals a monitoring advantage but not a switching advantage in multilingual children
S Czapka, J Festman
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 204, 105038, 2021
A Four-Year Longitudinal Comparative Study on the Lexicon Development of Russian and Turkish Heritage Speakers in Germany
S Czapka, N Topaj, N Gagarina
Languages 6 (1), 27, 2021
Der Erwerb des Deutschen bei türkisch-deutsch und russisch-deutsch bilingualen Kindern: Gibt es doch einen Einfluss von Sprachfördermaßnahmen?
N Gagarina, N Topaj, D Posse, S Czapka
Diskurs Kindheits-und Jugendforschung/Discourse. Journal of Childhood and …, 2018
The influence of peripheral emotions on inhibitory control among children
S Czapka, JW Schwieter, J Festman
Acta psychologica 223, 103507, 2022
A Four-Year Longitudinal Comparative Study on the Lexicon Development of Russian and Turkish Heritage Speakers in Germany. Languages 6: 27
S Czapka, N Topaj, N Gagarina
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Erwerbsprofile des Deutschen im mehrsprachigen Kontext
N Gagarina, S Czapka, N Topaj, M Krifka
Fehleranalyse Schreiben (FeSCH): Bi-und monolinguale Kinder im Vergleich
S Czapka, A Klassert
Spektrum Patholinguistik 8, 201-208, 2015
A path to the bilingual advantage: pairwise matching of individuals–CORRIGENDUM
S Czapka, C Wotschack, A Klassert, J Festman
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-1, 0
The Bilingual Advantage in Executive Functions and Its Influence on Spelling
S Czapka
Universität Potsdam, 2021
Frühe Entwicklungsverläufe der Bildungssprache Deutsch im mehrsprachigen Kontext
N Gagarina, S Czapka, N Topaj
A path to the bilingual advantage: pairwise matching of individuals–CORRIGENDUM–ERRATUM
S Czapka, C Wotschack, A Klassert, J Festman
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23 (1), 231-231, 2020
Spektrum Patholinguistik= Schwerpunktthema: Besonders behandeln?: Sprachtherapie im Rahmen primärer Störungsbilder
M Aktas, J Succow, B Giel, K Dressel, I Lange, S Hanne, F Burchert, ...
Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2015
Interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund (IFV) Sprachentwicklung von Grundschulkindern mit Migrationshintergrund (gefördert durch den Berliner Senat)
N Topaj, S Czapka, N Gagarina
Influence of lexical abilities on written language development: Implications for assessment of multilingual children
A Klassert, S Czapka, S Gerth, J Festman
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