Sinh Hoa Nguyen
Sinh Hoa Nguyen
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Cited by
Characterization of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis insertion sequence, IS6110, and its application in diagnosis
D Thierry, A Brisson-Noël, V Vincent-Lévy-Frébault, S Nguyen, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 28 (12), 2668-2673, 1990
Rough set algorithms in classification problem
JG Bazan, HS Nguyen, SH Nguyen, P Synak, J Wróblewski
Rough set methods and applications: new developments in knowledge discovery …, 2000
Diagnosis of tuberculosis by DNA amplification in clinical practice evaluation
A Brisson-Noel, S Nguyen, C Aznar, C Chureau, G Garrigue, C Pierre, ...
The Lancet 338 (8763), 364-366, 1991
Some efficient algorithms for rough set methods
NS Hoa, NH Son
Proceedings IPMU 96, 1541-1457, 1996
Discretization methods in data mining
NH Son
Rough sets in knowledge discovery, 451-482, 1998
Discretization of real value attributes, boolean reasoning approach
HS Nguyen
PhD Thesis, 1997
Layered learning for concept synthesis
SH Nguyen, J Bazan, A Skowron, HS Nguyen
Transactions on Rough Sets I: James F. Peters-Andrzej Skowron, Editors-in …, 2004
Regularity analysis and its applications in Data Mining
SH Nguyen
Rough set methods and applications: New developments in knowledge discovery …, 2000
On finding optimal discretizations for two attributes
BS Chlebus, SH Nguyen
International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 537-544, 1998
A framework for learning and embedding multi-sensor forecasting models into a decision support system: A case study of methane concentration in coal mines
D ¦lęzak, M Grzegorowski, A Janusz, M Kozielski, SH Nguyen, M Sikora, ...
Information Sciences 451, 112-133, 2018
Discovery of data patterns with applications to decomposition and classification problems
SH Nguyen, A Skowron, P Synak
Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery 2: Applications, Case Studies and Software …, 1998
Pattern extraction from data
SH Nguyen, HS Nguyen
Fundamenta Informaticae 34 (1-2), 129-144, 1998
Machine learning for traffic prediction
J Rzeszótko, SH Nguyen
Fundamenta Informaticae 119 (3-4), 407-420, 2012
Rough sets and association rule generation
HS Nguyen, SH Nguyen
Fundamenta Informaticae 40 (4), 383-405, 1999
Rough set methods in approximation of hierarchical concepts
JG Bazan, SH Nguyen, HS Nguyen, A Skowron
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 4th International Conference …, 2004
Analysis of stulong data by rough set exploration system (RSES)
HS Nguyen, SH Nguyen
Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD Workshop, 71-82, 2003
Suppressive antibiotic therapy with oral tetracyclines for prosthetic joint infections: a retrospective study of 78 patients
M Pradier, O Robineau, A Boucher, M Titecat, N Blondiaux, M Valette, ...
Infection 46, 39-47, 2018
Learning sunspot classification
TT Nguyen, CP Willis, DJ Paddon, SH Nguyen, HS Nguyen
Fundamenta Informaticae 72 (1-3), 295-309, 2006
Knowledge discovery in databases: rough set approach
SH Nguyen
Proc. Of The Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress …, 1997
Social determinants of stigma and discrimination in Vietnamese patients with chronic hepatitis B
TV Le, TTM Vu, HT Mai, LH Nguyen, NT Truong, CL Hoang, SH Nguyen, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (3), 398, 2019
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