Fractional integration, differentiation, and weighted Bergman spaces SM Buckley, P Koskela, D Vukotić
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 126 (2), 369-385, 1999
84 1999 A Sharp Estimate for Ap α Functions in Cn D Vukotić
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 753-756, 1993
81 1993 Norm of the Hilbert matrix on Bergman and Hardy spaces and a theorem of Nehari type M Dostanić, M Jevtić, D Vukotić
Journal of Functional Analysis 254 (11), 2800-2815, 2008
77 2008 Taylor coefficients and coefficient multipliers of Hardy and Bergman-type spaces M Jevtić, D Vukotić, M Arsenović
Springer International Publishing, 2016
70 2016 The isoperimetric inequality and a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood D Vukotić
The American mathematical monthly 110 (6), 532-536, 2003
68 2003 Integrability of the derivative of a Blaschke product D Girela, JÁ Peláez, D Vukotić
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 50 (3), 673-687, 2007
62 2007 On univalent functions in some Möbius invariant spaces JJ Donaire, D Girela, D Vukotic
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 2002 (553), 43-72, 2002
53 2002 Zero products of Toeplitz operators A Aleman, D Vukotić
46 2009 Isometries of the Bloch space among the composition operators MJ Martín, D Vukotić
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 39 (1), 151-155, 2007
45 2007 Superposition operators between the Bloch space and Bergman spaces V Álvarez, MA Márquez, D Vukotić
Arkiv för Matematik 42, 205-216, 2004
41 2004 Isometries of the Dirichlet space among the composition operators M Martín, D Vukotić
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 134 (6), 1701-1705, 2006
40 2006 Superposition operators on Dirichlet type spaces SM Buckley, JL Fernández, D Vukotić
Report University of Jyväskylä Department of Mathematics and Statistics 83 …, 2001
40 2001 The multiplicative Hilbert matrix OF Brevig, KM Perfekt, K Seip, AG Siskakis, D Vukotić
Advances in Mathematics 302, 410-432, 2016
36 2016 Multiplicative isometries and isometric zero-divisors A Aleman, P Duren, MJ Martín, D Vukotić
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 62 (5), 961-974, 2010
36 2010 Adjoints of composition operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions MJ Martín, D Vukotić
Journal of Functional Analysis 238 (1), 298-312, 2006
35 2006 Analytic Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space : a survey D Vukotić
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 10 (1), 101-113, 2003
34 2003 Isometries of some classical function spaces among the MJ Martín, D Vukotić
Recent Advances in Operator-Related Function Theory: Conference on Recent …, 2006
33 2006 Pointwise multiplication operators between Bergman spaces on simply connected domains D Vukotić
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 793-803, 1999
32 1999 On the coefficient multipliers of Bergman spaces D Vukotić
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 50 (2), 341-348, 1994
30 1994 Univalent interpolation in Besov spaces and superposition into Bergman spaces SM Buckley, D Vukotić
Potential Analysis 29 (1), 1-16, 2008
29 2008