Ahmed Lbath
Ahmed Lbath
Professor of Computer Science, University Grenoble Alpes
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IoT and big data analytics for smart buildings: A survey
A Daissaoui, A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Lbath
Procedia computer science 170, 161-168, 2020
IoV distributed architecture for real-time traffic data analytics
M Nahri, A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Lbath
Procedia computer science 130, 480-487, 2018
A framework for crowd-sourced data collection and context-aware services in Hajj and Umrah
A Ahmad, MA Rahman, FU Rehman, A Lbath, I Afyouni, A Khelil, ...
2014 IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2014
A scalable real-time tracking and monitoring architecture for logistics and transport in RoRo terminals
MA M’hand, A Boulmakoul, H Badir, A Lbath
Procedia Computer Science 151, 218-225, 2019
Moving object trajectories meta-model and spatio-temporal queries
A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Lbath
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.1796, 2012
Dynamic network model for smart city data-loss resilience case study: City-to-city network for crime analytics
O Kotevska, AG Kusne, DV Samarov, A Lbath, A Battou
IEEE Access 5, 20524-20535, 2017
Hybrid participatory sensing for analyzing group dynamics in the largest annual religious gathering
S Jamil, A Basalamah, A Lbath, M Youssef
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
The Development and Customization of GIS-based Applications and Web-based GIS Applications with the CASE tool AIGLE
A Lbath, F Pinet
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 2000
A system architecture for heterogeneous moving-object trajectory metamodel using generic sensors: Tracking airport security case study
A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Elbouziri, A Lbath
IEEE Systems Journal 9 (1), 283-291, 2013
Classifying smartphone screen ON/OFF state based on wifi probe patterns
S Jamil, S Khan, A Basalamah, A Lbath
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2016
Internet of things (IoT) capability platform
ER Griffor, A Lbath
US Patent 12,099,832, 2024
A spatio-temporal multimedia big data framework for a large crowd
B Sadiq, FU Rehman, A Ahmad, MA Rahman, S Ghani, A Murad, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2742-2751, 2015
Distributed and scalable platform architecture for smart cities complex events data collection: Covid19 pandemic use case
W Basmi, A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Lbath
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12, 75-83, 2021
Crowdsensing traces using bluetooth low energy (BLE) proximity tags
S Jamil, A Basalamah, A Lbath
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
Real time analytics of urban congestion trajectories on hadoop-mongodb cloud ecosystem
L Karim, A Boulmakoul, A Lbath
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things …, 2017
Safest and shortest itineraries for transporting hazardous materials using split points of Voronoï spatial diagrams based on spatial modeling of vulnerable zones
A Mabrouk, A Boulmakoul, L Karim, A Lbath
Procedia Computer Science 109, 156-163, 2017
Toward a real-time framework in cloudlet-based architecture
O Kotevska, A Lbath, S Bouzefrane
Tsinghua Science and Technology 21 (1), 80-88, 2016
Location based recommendation for mobile users using language model and skyline query
Q Pu, A Lbath, D He
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (IJITCS …, 2012
An algorithm for stereotype deduction in UML-based formalism and its application in geographic information systems
F Pinet, A Lbath
Proceedings IEEE Symposia on Human-Centric Computing Languages and …, 2001
AIGLE: un environnement visuel pour la conception et la génération automatique d'applications géomatiques
A Lbath
Lyon, INSA, 1997
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Articles 1–20