Marco Antonio Dalla Costa
Marco Antonio Dalla Costa
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Integrated buck-flyback converter as a high-power-factor off-line power supply
JM Alonso, MA Dalla Costa, C Ordiz
IEEE Transactions on industrial Electronics 55 (3), 1090-1100, 2008
Matching LED and driver life spans: A review of different techniques
PS Almeida, D Camponogara, M Dalla Costa, H Braga, JM Alonso
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 9 (2), 36-47, 2015
A high efficiency autonomous street lighting system based on solar energy and LEDs
MAD Costa, GH Costa, AS dos Santos, L Schuch, JR Pinheiro
2009 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 265-273, 2009
Dimming of high-brightness LEDs by means of luminous flux thermal estimation
J Garcia, MA Dalla-Costa, J Cardesin, JM Alonso, M Rico-Secades
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (4), 1107-1114, 2009
Capacitance reduction with an optimized converter connection applied to LED drivers
D Camponogara, DR Vargas, MA Dalla Costa, JM Alonso, J Garcia, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (1), 184-192, 2014
A single-stage high-power-factor electronic ballast based on integrated buck flyback converter to supply metal halide lamps
MA Dalla Costa, JM Alonso, JÚC Miranda, J Garcia, DG Lamar
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (3), 1112-1122, 2008
Compact emergency lamp using power LEDs
RA Pinto, MR Cosetin, A Campos, MA Dalla Costa, RN Do Prado
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (4), 1728-1738, 2011
Offline LED driver for street lighting with an optimized cascade structure
D Camponogara, GF Ferreira, A Campos, MA Dalla Costa, J Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (6), 2437-2443, 2013
Investigation of a new control strategy for electronic ballasts based on variable inductor
JM Alonso, MA Dalla Costa, M Rico-Secades, J Cardesin, J Garcia
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (1), 3-10, 2008
Offline soft-switched LED driver based on an integrated bridgeless boost–asymmetrical half-bridge converter
PS Almeida, HAC Braga, MA Dalla Costa, JM Alonso
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (1), 761-769, 2014
Static and dynamic photoelectrothermal modeling of LED lamps including low-frequency current ripple effects
PS Almeida, VC Bender, HAC Braga, MA Dalla Costa, TB Marchesan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (7), 3841-3851, 2014
Analysis and experiments on a single-inductor half-bridge LED driver with magnetic control
JM Alonso, MS Perdigao, MA Dalla Costa, G Martinez, R Osorio
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (12), 9179-9190, 2017
Reducing storage capacitance in off-line LED power supplies by using integrated converters
JM Alonso, D Gacio, AJ Calleja, F Sichirollo, MF da Silva, MA Dalla Costa, ...
2012 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-8, 2012
High-voltage power supply for ozone generation based on piezoelectric transformer
JM Alonso, C Ordiz, MA Dalla Costa, J Ribas, J Cardesin
IEEE transactions on industry applications 45 (4), 1513-1523, 2009
Acoustic resonance characterization of low-wattage metal-halide lamps under low-frequency square-waveform operation
MA Dalla Costa, JM Alonso, J Garcia, J Cardesin, M Rico-Secades
IEEE transactions on power electronics 22 (3), 735-743, 2007
Integrated zeta–flyback electronic ballast to supply high-intensity discharge lamps
TB Marchesan, MA Dalla-Costa, JM Alonso, RN do Prado
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (5), 2918-2921, 2007
Comparative analysis and experiments of resonant tanks for magnetically controlled electronic ballasts
MS Perdigao, JM Alonso, MA Dalla Costa, ES Saraiva
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (9), 3201-3211, 2008
Evaluation of high-frequency sinusoidal waveform superposed with third harmonic for stable operation of metal halide lamps
JM Alonso, J Ribas, M Rico-Secades, J Garcia, J Cardesin, MAD Costa
IEEE transactions on industry applications 41 (3), 721-727, 2005
LED driver based on input current shaper without electrolytic capacitor
GG Pereira, MA Dalla Costa, JM Alonso, MF De Melo, CH Barriquello
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (6), 4520-4529, 2017
Using magnetic regulators for the optimization of universal ballasts
MS Perdigao, JM Alonso, MA Dalla Costa, ES Saraiva
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (6), 3126-3134, 2008
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