Rob Johns
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Cited by
Survey question bank: Methods Fact Sheet 1, Likert items and scales
R Johns
University of Strathclyde 1, 1-11, 2010
Elections and voters in Britain
DT Denver, CJ Carman, R Johns
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
One size doesn’t fit all: Selecting response scales for attitude items
R Johns
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 15 (2), 237-264, 2005
The Scottish national party: Transition to power
J Mitchell, L Bennie, R Johns
Oxford University Press, USA, 2012
Valence politics in Scotland: Towards an explanation of the 2007 election
R Johns, J Mitchell, D Denver, C Pattie
Political Studies 57 (1), 207-233, 2009
Democratic peace or clash of civilizations? Target states and support for war in Britain and the United States
R Johns, GAM Davies
The Journal of Politics 74 (4), 1038-1052, 2012
Gender, candidate image and electoral preference
R Johns, M Shephard
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 9 (3), 434-460, 2007
Credit where it’s due? Valence politics, attributions of responsibility, and multi-level elections
R Johns
Political Behavior 33, 53-77, 2011
Measuring issue salience in British elections: competing interpretations of “most important issue”
R Johns
Political Research Quarterly 63 (1), 143-158, 2010
Takeover: Explaining the extraordinary rise of the SNP
R Johns
Biteback Publishing, 2016
Audience costs among the British public: the impact of escalation, crisis type, and prime ministerial rhetoric
GAM Davies, R Johns
International Studies Quarterly 57 (4), 725-737, 2013
Constitution or Competence? The SNP's Re-election in 2011
R Johns, J Mitchell, CJ Carman
Political Studies 61 (1_suppl), 158-178, 2013
More Scottish than British: The 2011 Scottish Parliament Election
C Carman, R Johns, J Mitchell
Springer, 2014
The declining representativeness of the British party system, and why it matters
H Brandenburg, R Johns
Political Studies 62 (4), 704-725, 2014
Civilian casualties and public support for military action: Experimental evidence
R Johns, GAM Davies
Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (1), 251-281, 2019
Voting for a Scottish government: the Scottish Parliament election of 2007
RA Johns, J Mitchell, D Denver, C Pattie
Manchester University Press, 2010
Raising the tone? The impact of ‘positive’and ‘negative’campaigning on voting in the 2007 Scottish Parliament election
C Pattie, D Denver, R Johns, J Mitchell
Electoral Studies 30 (2), 333-343, 2011
Facing the Voters: The Potential Impact of Ballot Paper Photographs in British Elections
R Johns, M Shephard
Political Studies, 2011
Moderation and competence: How a party's ideological position shapes its valence reputation
R Johns, AK Kölln
American Journal of Political Science 64 (3), 649-663, 2020
Coalitions of the willing? International backing and British public support for military action
R Johns, GAM Davies
Journal of Peace Research 51 (6), 767-781, 2014
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Articles 1–20