Maria Tomoaia-Cotisel
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Cited by
Self-assembly characteristics of gold nanoparticles in the presence of cysteine
A Mocanu, I Cernica, G Tomoaia, LD Bobos, O Horovitz, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 338 (1-3 …, 2009
Synthesis; characterization and antimicrobial effects of composites based on multi-substituted hydroxyapatite and silver nanoparticles
A Mocanu, G Furtos, S Rapuntean, O Horovitz, F Chirila, C Garbo, ...
Applied Surface Science 298, 225-235, 2014
Lipophilic-polycationic delivery systems
R Katz, M Tomoaia-Cotisel, Tomoaia-Cotisel, Maria
US Patent 6,005,004, 1999
Antitumor agents
R Katz, M Tomoaia-Cottsel
US Patent 5,925,669, 1999
Insoluble mixed monolayers: III. The ionization characteristics of some fatty acids at the air/water interface
M Tomoaia-Cotişel, J Zsako, A Mocanu, M Lupea, E Chifu
Journal of colloid and interface science 117 (2), 464-476, 1987
Advanced Mg, Zn, Sr, Si Multi-Substituted Hydroxyapatites for Bone Regeneration,
C Garbo, J Locs, M D’Este, G Demazeau, A Mocanu, C Roman, ...
International Journal of Nanomedicine 15, 1037-1058, 2020
Administering complex containing lipophilic cationic polymer carrier which is attached to unsaturated fatty acid groups, biologically active material or drug and additional …
R Katz, M Tomoaia-Cotişel
US Patent Patent Number US 5,716,614 A, 1998
Method for delivering active agents to mammalian brains in a complex with eicosapentaenoic acid or docosahexaenoic acid-conjugated polycationic carrier
R Katz, M Tomoaia-Cotisel
US Patent US Patent 5,716,614, 1998
Forsterite nanopowder: structural characterization and biocompatibility evaluation
MA Naghiu, M Gorea, E Mutch, F Kristaly, M Tomoaia-Cotisel
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 29 (7), 628-632, 2013
Biogenic syntheses of gold nanoparticles using plant extracts
RD Pasca, A Mocanu, SC Cobzac, I Petean, O Horovitz, ...
Particulate Science and Technology 32 (2), 131-137, 2014
IR, Raman and surface-enhanced Raman study of desferrioxamine B and its Fe (III) complex, ferrioxamine B
O Cozar, N Leopold, C Jelic, V Chiş, L David, A Mocanu, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 788 (1-3), 1-6, 2006
Effects of doxorubicin mediated by gold nanoparticles and resveratrol in two human cervical tumor cell lines
G Tomoaia, O Horovitz, A Mocanu, A Nita, A Avram, CP Racz, O Soritau, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 135, 726-734, 2015
Protein binding to gold colloids
O Horovitz, G Tomoaia, A Mocanu, T Yupsanis, M Tomoaia-Cotisel
Gold Bulletin 40, 213-218, 2007
Ion release from hydroxyapatite and substituted hydroxyapatites in different immersion liquids: in vitro experiments and theoretical modelling study.
A Mocanu, O Cadar, PT Frangopol, I Petean, G Tomoaia, GA Paltinean, ...
R. Soc. Open Sci. 8 (1: 201785), 1-25, 2021
Silicon effect on the composition and structure of nanocalcium phosphates: In vitro biocompatibility to human osteoblasts
G Tomoaia, A Mocanu, I Vida-Simiti, N Jumate, LD Bobos, O Soritau, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C -Materials for Biological Applications …, 2014
Cysteine mediated assembly of gold nanoparticles
I Petean, GH Tomoaia, O Horovitz, A Mocanu, M Tomoaia-Cotisel
J Optoelectron Adv M 10 (9), 2289-92, 2008
Strategies for improving bioavailability, bioactivity, and physical-chemical behavior of curcumin
LZ Racz, CP Racz, LC Pop, G Tomoaia, A Mocanu, I Barbu, M Sárközi, ...
Molecules 27 (20), 6854, 2022
Scaffolds made of nanostructured phosphates, collagen and chitosan for cell culture
G Tomoaia, O Soritau, M Tomoaia-Cotisel, LB Pop, A Pop, A Mocanu, ...
Powder technology 238, 99-107, 2013
Xanthophyll films: V. Dynamics of xanthophyll monolayers at the liquid/air interface
E Chifu, M Tomoaia-Cotisel, M Sălăjan, A Chifu, J Zsakó
Stud. Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Chem. 34 (2), 28-34, 1989
The interaction of procaine with stearic acid monolayers at the air/water interface
M Tomoaia-Cotisel, DA Cadenhead
Langmuir 7 (5), 964-974, 1991
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Articles 1–20