Martin Johnston
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Cited by
Secrecy rate optimizations for a MIMO secrecy channel with a cooperative jammer
Z Chu, K Cumanan, Z Ding, M Johnston, SY Le Goff
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 64 (5), 1833-1847, 2014
Non-binary error control coding for wireless communication and data storage
RA Carrasco, M Johnston
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Simultaneous wireless information power transfer for MISO secrecy channel
Z Chu, Z Zhu, M Johnston, SY Le Goff
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (9), 6913-6925, 2015
Secrecy rate optimizations for a MISO secrecy channel with multiple multiantenna eavesdroppers
Z Chu, H Xing, M Johnston, S Le Goff
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (1), 283-297, 2015
Variational Bayesian subgroup adaptive sparse component extraction for diagnostic imaging system
B Gao, P Lu, WL Woo, GY Tian, Y Zhu, M Johnston
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (10), 8142-8152, 2018
Robust outage secrecy rate optimizations for a MIMO secrecy channel
Z Chu, K Cumanan, Z Ding, M Johnston, S Le Goff
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 4 (1), 86-89, 2014
Iterative multiuser detection for underwater acoustic channels
SA Aliesawi, CC Tsimenidis, BS Sharif, M Johnston
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 36 (4), 728-744, 2011
SWIPT for wireless cooperative networks
Z Chu, M Johnston, S Le Goff
Electronics Letters 51 (6), 536-538, 2015
Performance analysis of LDPC-coded diversity combining on rayleigh fading channels with impulsive noise
Z Mei, M Johnston, S Le Goff, L Chen
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (6), 2345-2356, 2017
Defeating SSDF attacks with trusted nodes assistance in cognitive radio networks
Y Al-Mathehaji, S Boussakta, M Johnston, H Fakhrey
IEEE sensors letters 1 (4), 1-4, 2017
Construction and performance of algebraic–geometric codes over AWGN and fading channels
M Johnston, RA Carrasco
IEE Proceedings-Communications 152 (5), 713-722, 2005
Non-binary turbo-coded OFDM-PLC system in the presence of impulsive noise
W Abd-Alaziz, Z Mei, M Johnston, S Le Goff
2017 25th European signal processing conference (EUSIPCO), 2576-2580, 2017
Efficient factorisation algorithm for list decoding algebraic-geometric and Reed-Solomon codes
L Chen, RA Carrasco, M Johnston, EG Chester
2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 851-856, 2007
The optimum design of location-dependent key management protocol for a WSN with a random selected cell reporter
H Fakhrey, R Tiwari, M Johnston, YA Al-Mathehaji
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (19), 7217-7226, 2016
Soft-decision list decoding of Hermitian codes
L Chen, R Carrasco, M Johnston
IEEE transactions on communications 57 (8), 2169-2176, 2009
Efficient low-complexity antenna selection algorithms in multi-user massive MIMO systems with matched filter precoding
Z Abdullah, CC Tsimenidis, G Chen, M Johnston, JA Chambers
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (3), 2993-3007, 2020
Physical layer authentication scheme with channel based tag padding sequence
Y Ran, H Al‐Shwaily, C Tang, GY Tian, M Johnston
IET communications 13 (12), 1776-1780, 2019
Robust GPS carrier tracking model using unscented Kalman filter for a dynamic vehicular communication channel
J Yin, R Tiwari, M Johnston
IEEE Access 6, 26930-26938, 2018
Error probability analysis of M-QAM on Rayleigh fading channels with impulsive noise
Z Mei, M Johnston, S Le Goff, L Chen
2016 IEEE 17th international workshop on signal processing advances in …, 2016
Performance evaluation of T‐COFDM under combined noise in PLC with log‐normal channel gain using exact derived noise distributions
GA Al‐Rubaye, CC Tsimenidis, M Johnston
IET Communications 13 (6), 766-775, 2019
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Articles 1–20