Ann Jorissen
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Cited by
International financial reporting and analysis
D Alexander, A Britton, A Jorissen, MN Hoogendoorn, C Van Mourik
Thomson, 2005
Formal participation in the IASB's due process of standard setting: a multi-issue/multi-period analysis
A Jorissen, N Lybaert, R Orens, L Van Der Tas
European Accounting Review 21 (4), 693-729, 2012
Real versus sample‐based differences in comparative family business research
A Jorissen, E Laveren, R Martens, AM Reheul
Family business review 18 (3), 229-246, 2005
Intergenerational differences in family firms: Impact on capital structure and growth behavior
V Molly, E Laveren, A Jorissen
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (4), 703-725, 2012
Management control in the transfer pricing tax compliant multinational enterprise
M Cools, C Emmanuel, A Jorissen
Accounting, Organizations and Society 33 (6), 603-628, 2008
A geographic analysis of constituents’ formal participation in the process of international accounting standard setting: Do we have a level playing field?
A Jorissen, N Lybaert, R Orens, L Van der Tas
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 32 (4), 237-270, 2013
Lobbying towards a global standard setter-do national characteristics matter?: an analysis of the comment letters written to the IASB
A Jorissen, N Lybaert, K Van de Poel
International Accounting: standards, regulations and financial reporting …, 2006
Corporate lobbying in private accounting standard setting: does the IASB have to reckon with national differences?
R Orens, A Jorissen, N Lybaert, L Van Der Tas
Accounting in Europe 8 (2), 211-234, 2011
Earnings management, asset restructuring, and the threat of exchange delisting in an earnings‐based regulatory regime
P Cheng, W Aerts, A Jorissen
Corporate governance: an international review 18 (5), 438-456, 2010
Board capital and the downward spiral: Antecedents of bankruptcy in a sample of unlisted firms
J De Maere, A Jorissen, LM Uhlaner
Corporate Governance: An International Review 22 (5), 387-407, 2014
Outside CEOs, board control and the financing policy of small privately held family firms
A Lardon, M Deloof, A Jorissen
Journal of Family Business Strategy 8 (1), 29-41, 2017
Government ownership and firm performance: The case of Vietnam
NM Tran, W Nonneman, A Jorissen
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 4 (3), 628-650, 2014
The roles of subsidiary boards in multinational enterprises
Y Du, M Deloof, A Jorissen
Journal of International Management 21 (3), 169-181, 2015
Active boards of directors in foreign subsidiaries
Y Du, M Deloof, A Jorissen
Corporate Governance: An International Review 19 (2), 153-168, 2011
Privatization of Vietnamese firms and its effects on firm performance
NM Tran, W Nonneman, A Jorissen
Asian economic and financial review 5 (2), 202, 2015
Differences between family and non-family firms: The impact of different research samples with increasing elimination of demographic sample differences
A Jorissen, E Laveren, R Martens, AM Reheul
Do management control systems in SMEs reflect CEO demographics?
AM Reheul, A Jorissen
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 21 (3), 470-488, 2014
Are outside directors on the small and medium-sized enterprise board always beneficial? Disclosure of firm-specific information in board-management relations as the missing …
L Uhlaner, A Massis, A Jorissen, Y Du
human relations 74 (11), 1781-1819, 2021
Board monitoring in a privately held firm: When does CEO duality matter? The moderating effect of ownership
R Deman, A Jorissen, E Laveren
Journal of Small Business Management 56 (2), 229-250, 2018
The management of accounting numbers: Case study evidence from the ‘crash’of an airline
A Jorissen, D Otley
Accounting and business Research 40 (1), 3-38, 2010
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Articles 1–20