Anton Florin Daniel
Anton Florin Daniel
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Citat de
Resource scheduling based on energy consumption for sustainable manufacturing
S Raileanu, F Anton, A Iatan, T Borangiu, S Anton, O Morariu
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 28, 1519-1530, 2017
Embedded digital twin for ARTI-type control of semi-continuous production processes
T Borangiu, E Oltean, S Răileanu, F Anton, S Anton, I Iacob
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry …, 2020
A cloud-based manufacturing control system with data integration from multiple autonomous agents
S Răileanu, F Anton, T Borangiu, S Anton, M Nicolae
Computers in Industry 102, 50-61, 2018
Integrating the digital twin of a shop floor conveyor in the manufacturing control system
S Răileanu, T Borangiu, N Ivănescu, O Morariu, F Anton
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry …, 2020
Smart manufacturing control with cloud-embedded digital twins
T Borangiu, S Răileanu, A Silișteanu, S Anton, F Anton
2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing …, 2020
Product-driven automation in a service oriented manufacturing cell
T Borangiu, S Raileanu, F Anton, M Parlea, C Tahon, T Berger, ...
Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2011
Visual robot guidance in conveyor tracking with belt variables
T Borangiu, FD Anton, A Dogar
2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing …, 2010
Human-robot natural interaction with collision avoidance in manufacturing operations
FD Anton, S Anton, T Borangiu
Service orientation in Holonic and multi agent manufacturing and robotics …, 2013
Cloud-based digital twin for robot integration in intelligent manufacturing systems
F Anton, T Borangiu, S Răileanu, S Anton
Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics: Results of RAAD, 565-573, 2020
Open source machine vision platform for manufacturing and robotics
S Răileanu, T Borangiu, F Anton, S Anton
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (1), 522-527, 2021
Educational services in cloud with IBM technology: A new model for open, on demand learning in higher education
FD Anton, S Anton, T Borangiu
2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2012
Integrated Vision Tools And Signature Analysis For Part Measurement And Recognition In Robotic Tasks
T Borangiu, F Anton, S Tunaru, AN Ivanescu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38 (1), 175-180, 2005
Analysis of complexity and performance for automated deployment of a software environment into the cloud
M Lăcătușu, AD Ionita, FD Anton, F Lăcătușu
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4183, 2022
A distributed approach for machine learning in large scale manufacturing systems
C Morariu, S Răileanu, T Borangiu, F Anton
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing: Proceedings of …, 2019
High availability cloud manufacturing system integrating distributed MES agents
S Răileanu, F Anton, T Borangiu
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing: Proceedings of …, 2017
Open architecture for robot controllers
T Borangiu, FD Anton, S Anton
19th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD …, 2010
Management of changes in a holonic manufacturing system with dual-horizon dynamic rescheduling of production orders
T Borangiu, S Raileanu, A Rosu, M Parlea, FD Anton
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (4), 624-629, 2009
A holonic fault tolerant manufacturing platform with multiple robots.
T Borangiu, FD Anton, S Tunaru, A Dogar
ICINCO-RA, 557-560, 2006
Secure sharing of robot and manufacturing resources in the cloud for research and development
F Anton, T Borangiu, S Răileanu, S Anton, N Ivănescu, I Iacob
Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics: Proceedings of the 28th …, 2020
High-speed robot motion control under visual guidance
T Borangiu, M Manu, FD Anton, S Tunaru, A Dogar
2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 519-523, 2006
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