Jörg Seewig
Jörg Seewig
Professor für Messtechnik und Sensorik, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
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Multisensor data fusion in dimensional metrology
A Weckenmann, X Jiang, KD Sommer, U Neuschaefer-Rube, J Seewig, ...
CIRP annals 58 (2), 701-721, 2009
Automated scenario generation for regression testing of autonomous vehicles
E Rocklage, H Kraft, A Karatas, J Seewig
2017 ieee 20th international conference on intelligent transportation …, 2017
Linear and robust Gaussian regression filters
J Seewig
Journal of Physics: conference series 13 (1), 254, 2005
Unambiguous evaluation of a chirp measurement standard
J Seewig, M Eifler, G Wiora
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 2 (4), 045003, 2014
Calibration sample for arbitrary metrological characteristics of optical topography measuring instruments
M Eifler, J Hering, G Von Freymann, J Seewig
Optics express 26 (13), 16609-16623, 2018
Ti surface modification by cold spraying with TiO2 microparticles
K Schmidt, S Buhl, N Davoudi, C Godard, R Merz, I Raid, E Kerscher, ...
Surface and coatings technology 309, 749-758, 2017
Grinding energy modeling based on friction, plowing, and shearing
BS Linke, I Garretson, F Torner, J Seewig
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 139 (12), 121009, 2017
Optisches Messen technischer Oberflächen: Messprinzipien und Begriffe
M Rahlves
Beuth Verlag, 2009
Manufacturing of new roughness standards for the linearity of the vertical axis–Feasibility study and optimization
M Eifler, F Schneider, J Seewig, B Kirsch, JC Aurich
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (4), 1993-2001, 2016
Praxisgerechte signalverarbeitung zur trennung der gestaltabweichungen technischer oberflächen
J Seewig
Shaker, 2000
Extraction of shape and roughness using scattering light
J Seewig, G Beichert, R Brodmann, H Bodschwinna, M Wendel
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VI 7389, 223-233, 2009
Application of function-oriented roughness parameters using confocal microscopy
K Klauer, M Eifler, J Seewig, B Kirsch, JC Aurich
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 21 (3), 302-313, 2018
Manufacturing of the ISO 25178-70 material measures with direct laser writing: a feasibility study
M Eifler, J Hering, G von Freymann, J Seewig
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 6 (2), 024010, 2018
Design and verification of geometric roughness standards by reverse engineering
J Seewig, M Eifler, F Schneider, JC Aurich
Procedia CIRP 45, 259-262, 2016
Crossing-the-line segmentation as a basis for Rsm and Rc Evaluation
J Seewig, PJ Scott, M Eifler, B Barwick, D Hüser
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 8 (2), 024010, 2020
Correlation between different cutting conditions, surface roughness and dimensional accuracy when ball end micro milling material measures with freeform surfaces
K Klauer, M Eifler, B Kirsch, J Seewig, JC Aurich
Machining Science and Technology 24 (3), 446-464, 2020
Areal filtering methods
J Seewig
Characterisation of Areal Surface Texture, 71-114, 2024
Influence of surface morphology on fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347 at ambient temperature and 300 C
M Smaga, R Skorupski, P Mayer, B Kirsch, JC Aurich, I Raid, J Seewig, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 989-996, 2017
Application of ordinary kriging for interpolation of micro-structured technical surfaces
I Raid, T Kusnezowa, J Seewig
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (9), 095201, 2013
Influence of kinematics and abrasive configuration on the grinding process of glass
FJP Sousa, DS Hosse, I Reichenbach, JC Aurich, J Seewig
Journal of materials processing Technology 213 (5), 728-739, 2013
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Articles 1–20