Ricardo Antonio Ayub
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Cited by
Expression of ACC oxidase antisense gene inhibits ripening of cantaloupe melon fruits
R Ayub, M Guis, MB Amor, L Gillot, JP Roustan, A Latché, M Bouzayen, ...
Nature biotechnology 14 (7), 862-866, 1996
Genome of Herbaspirillum seropedicae Strain SmR1, a Specialized Diazotrophic Endophyte of Tropical Grasses
FO Pedrosa, RA Monteiro, R Wassem, LM Cruz, RA Ayub, NB Colauto, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (5), e1002064, 2011
Caracterização de subprodutos da industrialização do maracujá-aproveitamento das sementes
RA Ferrari, F Colussi, RA Ayub
Revista Brasileira de fruticultura 26, 101-102, 2004
Ripening-associated biochemical traits of cantaloupe Charentais melons expressing an antisense ACC oxidase transgene.
M Guis, R Botondi, M Ben-Amor, R Ayub, M Bouzayen, JC Pech, A Latché
Peach growth cycle monitoring using eletronoc nose
HGJ Voss, SL Stevan Jr, RA Ayub
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 163, 2019
Biochemical characterisation of a glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger produced by solid-state fermentation
CT Slivinski, AVL Machado, J Iulek, RA Ayub, MM Almeida
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 54, 559-568, 2011
Uso de cera na conservação pós-colheita do caqui cv. Giombo
J Blum, FB Hoffmann, RA Ayub, DL Jung, MB Malgarim
Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 30, 830-833, 2008
Somatória de horas de frio e de unidades de frio em diferentes regiões do estado do Paraná
RV Botelho, RA Ayub, MM Müller
Scientia Agraria 7 (1), 89-96, 2006
Plant growth regulation activity of steviol and derivatives
BH de Oliveira, JC Stiirmer, JD de Souza Filho, RA Ayub
Phytochemistry 69 (7), 1528-1533, 2008
1H HR-MAS NMR-based metabolomics study of different persimmon cultivars (Diospyros kaki) during fruit development
AD da Conceição Santos, FA Fonseca, LM Dutra, MFC Santos, ...
Food chemistry 239, 511-519, 2018
Labeled Azospirillum brasilense wild type and excretion-ammonium strains in association with barley roots
ARS Santos, RM Etto, RW Furmam, DL de Freitas, KFEN Santos, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 118, 422-426, 2017
Abscisic acid involvement on expression of related gene and phytochemicals during ripening in strawberry fruit Fragaria× ananassa cv. Camino Real
RA Ayub, L Bosetto, CW Galvão, RM Etto, J Inaba, PZ Lopes
Scientia Horticulturae 203, 178-184, 2016
Microbial community and performance of slaughterhouse wastewater treatment filters
MI Stets, RM Etto, CW Galvão, RA Ayub, LM Cruz, MBR Steffens, ...
Genet Mol Res 13 (2), 4444-4455, 2014
Soil chemical attributes and grape yield as affected by gypsum application in southern Brazil
J Blum, EF Caires, RA Ayub, AF Da Fonseca, M Sozim, M Fauate
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 42 (12), 1434-1446, 2011
Fisiologia foliar e qualidade enológica da uva em videiras infectadas por vírus
MF Basso, TVM Fajardo, HP Santos, CC Guerra, RA Ayub, O Nickel
Tropical Plant Pathology 35, 351-359, 2010
Metabolic profile of strawberry fruit ripened on the plant following treatment with an ethylene elicitor or inhibitor
L Reis, CF Forney, M Jordan, K Munro Pennell, S Fillmore, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 995, 2020
E-nose Prototype to Monitoring the Growth and Maturation of Peaches in the Orchard
HGJ Voss, RA Ayub, SL Stevan
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (20), 11741-11750, 2020
Brassinosteroid plays a role on pink stage for receptor and transcription factors involved in strawberry fruit ripening
RA Ayub, L Reis, L Bosetto, PZ Lopes, CW Galvão, RM Etto
Plant Growth Regulation 84, 159-167, 2018
Characterization of by-products of passion fruit industrialization utilization of seeds
RA Ferrari, F Colussi, RA Ayub
Revista Brasileira de fruticultura 26, 101-102, 2004
Differential expression of ACC oxidase genes in melon and physiological characterization of fruit expressing an antisense ACC oxidase gene
M Guis, T Bouquin, H Zegzouti, R Ayub, M Ben Amor, E Lasserre, ...
Biology and biotechnology of the plant hormone ethylene, 327-337, 1997
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