Peter D Johnson
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Cited by
Evidence for Quantum Critical Behavior in the Optimally Doped Cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, BO Wells, SL Hulbert, Q Li, GD Gu, ...
Science 285 (5436), 2110-2113, 1999
Doping and Temperature Dependence of the Mass Enhancement Observed in the Cuprate
PD Johnson, T Valla, AV Fedorov, Z Yusof, BO Wells, Q Li, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (17), 177007, 2001
Many-body effects in angle-resolved photoemission: quasiparticle energy and lifetime of a Mo (110) surface state
T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, SL Hulbert
Physical review letters 83 (10), 2085, 1999
Emergence of preformed Cooper pairs from the doped Mott insulating state in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
HB Yang, JD Rameau, PD Johnson, T Valla, A Tsvelik, GD Gu
Nature 456 (7218), 77-80, 2008
Soft-x-ray resonant inelastic scattering at the C K edge of diamond
Y Ma, N Wassdahl, P Skytt, J Guo, J Nordgren, PD Johnson, ...
Physical review letters 69 (17), 2598, 1992
Quantum-well and tight-binding analyses of spin-polarized photoemission from Ag/Fe (001) overlayers
NV Smith, NB Brookes, Y Chang, PD Johnson
Physical Review B 49 (1), 332, 1994
Temperature Dependent Scattering Rates at the Fermi Surface of Optimally Doped
T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, Q Li, GD Gu, N Koshizuka
Physical review letters 85 (4), 828, 2000
Coherence–incoherence and dimensional crossover in layered strongly correlated metals
T Valla, PD Johnson, Z Yusof, B Wells, Q Li, SM Loureiro, RJ Cava, ...
Nature 417 (6889), 627-630, 2002
Quasiparticle Spectra, Charge-Density Waves, Superconductivity, <?format ?>and Electron-Phonon Coupling in
T Valla, AV Fedorov, PD Johnson, PA Glans, C McGuinness, KE Smith, ...
Physical review letters 92 (8), 086401, 2004
Temperature Dependent Photoemission Studies of Optimally Doped
AV Fedorov, T Valla, PD Johnson, Q Li, GD Gu, N Koshizuka
Physical review letters 82 (10), 2179, 1999
Spin polarization of quantum well states in copper thin films deposited on a Co (001) substrate
K Garrison, Y Chang, PD Johnson
Physical review letters 71 (17), 2801, 1993
High-Energy Kink Observed in the Electron Dispersion<? format?> of High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors
T Valla, TE Kidd, WG Yin, GD Gu, PD Johnson, ZH Pan, AV Fedorov
Physical Review Letters 98 (16), 167003, 2007
Spin-polarized photoemission
PD Johnson
Reports on Progress in Physics 60 (11), 1217, 1997
Epitaxial thin films of the giant-dielectric-constant material CaCu3Ti4O12 grown by pulsed-laser deposition
W Si, EM Cruz, PD Johnson, PW Barnes, P Woodward, AP Ramirez
Applied Physics Letters 81 (11), 2056-2058, 2002
Crystal-induced and image-potential-induced empty surface states on Cu (111) and Cu (001)
SL Hulbert, PD Johnson, NG Stoffel, WA Royer, NV Smith
Physical Review B 31 (10), 6815, 1985
Image-potential states and energy-loss satellites in inverse photoemission spectra
PD Johnson, NV Smith
Physical Review B 27 (4), 2527, 1983
Reconstructed Fermi Surface of Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors
HB Yang, JD Rameau, ZH Pan, GD Gu, PD Johnson, H Claus, DG Hinks, ...
Physical review letters 107 (4), 047003, 2011
Spin-orbit interaction effect in the electronic structure of Bi2Te3 observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
HJ Noh, H Koh, SJ Oh, JH Park, HD Kim, JD Rameau, T Valla, TE Kidd, ...
Europhysics Letters 81 (5), 57006, 2008
Spin-polarized inverse photoelectron spectroscopy of solid surfaces: Ni (110)
J Unguris, A Seiler, RJ Celotta, DT Pierce, PD Johnson, NV Smith
Physical Review Letters 49 (14), 1047, 1982
Magnetic interface states and finite-size effects
NB Brookes, Y Chang, PD Johnson
Physical review letters 67 (3), 354, 1991
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Articles 1–20